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The Guardian wants your story on chronic illness by this afternoon


Senior Member
The Guardian wants your story on chronic illness by this afternoon
on: Today at 09:20:40 AM

Everyone....................this is our chance! The Guardian want to hear your story about being chronically ill by this afternoon for their investigation of the correlation between suicide and chronic illness. They will chose four stories. This is a golden opportunity to explain the truth about ME................(but will they print it?)


Write for us about ... chronic illness
A report linking chronic illness to suicide has highlighted the level of distress caused by some conditions. Tell us your experiences

People's panel
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 23 August 2011 18.00 BST
Article history
According to a report published by the thinktank Demos, at least 10% of suicides in Britain are linked to terminal or chronic illness, accounting for more than 400 deaths a year. These findings draw attention to the unacknowledged level of distress caused by some chronic conditions.

As part of our people's panel series, we would like to hear from four readers who suffer from a chronic illness and tell us how you manage it. What would you want in terms of providing better medical, practical and psychological support to manage your condition?

If you would like to participate, please email Jessica Reed (jessica.reed@guardian.co.uk) before 3.30pm on Wednesday 24 August, with a contribution of about 200-275 words. Please include your Comment is free username, your real name and a number we can contact you on. We'll pick four entries for publication. The subject line of your email should be "People's panel" and you should include an element of comment your opinion on the issue being debated. If you object to having your real name used, mention this but be aware that signed contributions are more likely to be selected.

Please note that we may not be able to respond to all submissions
