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SuperBetter: A Game to Help Heal Illness

Hello everyone,

I've had CFS for 3 years, with varying degrees of severity over that time.
A few weeks ago, I listened to a very interesting TED talk by Jane Mcgonigal, who created SuperBetter after she experienced suicidal depression while recovering from a concussion.

Watch the talk here: http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_the_game_that_can_give_you_10_extra_years_of_life.html

SuperBetter (at superbetter.com) is a free online "game" that helps with healing by giving you manageable "quests" (tasks) to complete daily that increase your personal resilience in four areas: physical, social, mental and emotional. You also use "power ups" (quick activities that help you feel better when you're down) and fight "bad guys" (behaviors that make you feel worse).

I've found that SuperBetter is uplifting, motivating and very informative. The entire structure of it is science-based, and the science is all available for you to peruse. SuperBetter probably won't help you feel physically stronger (this is CFS, after all), but it has big potential to improve your outlook, lift your spirits and help keep you on track to heal.

SuperBetter also includes "allies" - friends who check in with your progress, encourage you and provide help as needed. If anyone would like to play SuperBetter, I'd be happy to be allies with you!