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Retrovirology Publishes Five Papers on XMRV and Contamination

Sam Carter

Guess where I found a refference to Myra McClure?
Denying HIV could be a ma-made creation (and thus bio-weapon or vaccine contaminant)
Just small part of the article, but hey, interesting she turns up on that side of the fence...or maybe not.

BMJ, 1989 article, The Origin of HIV

BMJ. 1989 May 13;298(6683):1267-8.
Origin of HIV.
McClure MO, Schulz TF.

Sir Fred Hoyle believes HIV to be of extraterrestrial origin, though some claim that it has excaped from a germ warfare laboratory. Lack of supporting evidence precludes serious discussion of such bizarre hypotheses. This review deals with the theories on the origin of HIV that are scientifically plausible.

I can't see anything wrong with the article, Silverblade; it is somewhat reassuring to see that when considering the origin of HIV Prof McClure has distanced herself from the views of Fred Hoyle...


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Ok this is a bit off topic, and convoluted, but...
The Wellcome Trust are the ones most gloating about this negative study malarky, right?
who or what IS the Wellcome Trust?

The Trust was established to administer the fortune of the American-born pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome[2]. Its income was derived from what was originally called Burroughs Wellcome, later renamed in the UK as the Wellcome Foundation Ltd[3]. In 1986, in what is still the biggest private share sale ever seen, the trust sold 25% of Wellcome plc stock to the public. Overseen by incoming Director of Finance Ian Macgregor, this marked the beginning of a period of financial growth that saw the Trust's value increase by almost 14bn in 14 years, as their interests moved beyond the bounds of the pharmaceutical industry[4]. In 1995, the trust divested itself of any interest in pharmaceuticals by selling all remaining stock to Glaxo plc, the company's historic British rival, creating GlaxoWellcome plc. In 2000, the Wellcome name disappeared from the drug business altogether when GlaxoWellcome merged with SmithKline Beecham, to form GlaxoSmithKline plc.
isn't that interesting, a suppsoedly neutral charity, stock market floated, mega rich, sells part of it's self to become GSK?

And on GSK

Remember wakefield? judge on his case who turned him down, was the brother of this GSK boardmember
Sir Crispin Davis - CEO, Reed Elsevier PLC
Reed Elsevier owns The Lancet, the Lancet is paid by pharma corp advertizing
So, the guy who runs the lancet, is an exec in GSK who makes MMR and pays advertizing in the lancet, and his brother screwed over Wakefield's chances of a fair hearing

And who else is an exec on GSK board?
In February 2009, GSK announced that James Murdoch, son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, was joining GSK as a non-executive director its main board and corporate responsibility committee.

And the Murdoch EMpire owns $300 million of GSK shares....

anyone smelling something, like a dead rat, or dead mouse? ;)

vast web of vested interests...
any of you seen the movie THEY LIVE? yup, we really are in a world where it's all lies and propaganda!

maybe not aliens :p but it sure is inhuman SOBs making damn sure we never get to hear the truth.

Sam Carter

GlaxoSmithKline manufacture Zidovudine (AZT), as well as other antiretroviral drugs, and would actually profit if the association between ME and XMRV is proven.
Atlanta, Georgia
I have believed for some time that ME/CFS is a bio weapon. I know it sounds crazy. I believe the experts at the CDC and in the UK aren't stupid, simply mistaken, or uninformed properly. They have been covering up something about ME/CFS for 20 plus years. It's interesting you found Murdock (King of misinformation on all things political.) a major player with the sociopaths that have let us suffer. No wonder our story gets killed in the media. It would be very compelling if an additional link to the white house or congress critters was found. That would be a great story for the NY Times, don't y'a think?

Sam Carter

I have believed for some time that ME/CFS is a bio weapon. I know it sounds crazy. I believe the experts at the CDC and in the UK aren't stupid, simply mistaken, or uninformed properly. They have been covering up something about ME/CFS for 20 plus years. ...

Hi Revday,

The history of ME is significantly longer than twenty years, with outbreaks being recorded in 1934 (Los Angeles), 1948 (Akureyri, Iceland), and 1955 (Royal Free Hospital, London).

Once you've read enough publications by Peter White, Alison Wearden and Trudie Chalder (amongst others), it becomes self-evident that these are not terrifically bright individuals.

Certainly not bright enough to maintain an elaborate transatlantic conspiracy.



Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
governments and Big Business and such "conspiracies of back scratching" are not monolothic. It's not Voldemort leading a secret cabal of Deatheaters under absolute tyranny! ;)

So there's different goals for different folks (some wanting to deny us insurance to save their insurance company cronies money, others trying to keep another HIV/AIDS issue quiet as governments HATE disorder and change that could cost them their jobs make them have to work etc)
It is literally "Byzantine". Anything that rattles the "great cages of government and power", threatens change, disorder and trouble, see Wikileaks and why they are trying to bury that.
These bozos do not give a damn about threats to the public or our health, as long as it is notgoing to cause disorder, panic, Motions In The House, get on TV etc.

Now, for three decades, these SOBs have deliberately had ME hushed up, psuhed into a corner..and there, folk have had their children stolen from them, been locked up in psych wards, tortured into "admitting they are not sick", and even killed.
If that lot of crap became public knowledge, proven, got momentum behind it, the government would be CRUCIFIED! Doesn't matter that it wasn't them who started it, they'd get steam rollered in wave of public fury...which would be forgotten in a few months and pointless committees and systems deisgned to ensure victims never get paid compensation in reality...

but for those 2 or 3 months, heads would fall, villainy would be exposed, public confidence in following our moronic leaders like sheep would be shaken ANDS THEY WILL NOT ALLOW THAT, if they can stop it they will.

Remember, the British Welfare burea (iirc was Department of Social Security at the time, before DWP) had a secret meeting on ME, making all who saw or read of it sign the Officla Secrets act, and we have the MRC secret documents classified to the same severity as nuclear secrets, so there's something very damn dirty they do not want exposed....


Senior Member
Hey ho silverB - spot on.

Their incompetence and the "its a cock-up" explanations are all an indication of plausible deniability in the offing.

Inside FD 23/4553 is a redacted document reporting a symposium held in London in May 1992. This report of the meeting of 'experts' in the field of ME research, is a summary that has psychiatric opinion and very little biomedical opinion - this is strange as I have read the transcript of this meeting and there's lots of evidence indicating something is physically, organically wrong from the bio-medical participants.

The document fails to report on this evidence - within this document are sections that are redacted - I can only assume this is the missing detail from the symposium - the bio-medical stuff. I have repeatedly requested this information from the MRC but they at present are reluctant to oblige. They insist the information is personal to the anonymous author - they wont disclose the identity of the author - I asked.

The redacted parts of this document from FD 23/4553 are held in FD 23/4553/1. The document is information presented to the MRC. There is a big chunk missing when the author discusses virology evidence, another redaction at sleep disorders, then a huge wedge of information redacted during the general discussion. So all the psyc stuff is there but all the bio is missing - Why has biomedical information been redacted from a piece of information held by the MRC? - What is so risky to the MRC that they feel it necessary to redact that bio-medical evidence?

This document is amongst correspondence to and from the MRC - this document needs accessing to understand what the author claims is personal information (in the midst of a report that coincidently just happens to be detailing bio-medical information) and therefore exempt from the FOI when it is linked to a quango that spends public money on research into ME/cfs.

This document is amongst other evidence including details of appointments to a mental health board within the MRC that I have been reliably informed is in FD 23/4553/1 in error - appointments to a mental health board in a secret file by mistake that contains ME/cfs information - imagine a document placed in a secret file for 70 odd years by mistake - I was told it was part of a larger file and that it should not be there - they still would not let me see it - thats how thorough these people are with sensitive information. Tsk, how careless - just putting this away for 80 years, has anyone checked it? Oh and just for a bit of conspiracy, Tosser Wessely was one of the 'experts' presenting at the symposium.

On page 68/144 there is an interesting letter addressed to the MRC from an observer who was expressing concern at the seriousness of the biomedical evidence presented at the symposium - just as they write about just what is so 'serious', it is redacted information. There then follows a further letter from the same individual (whose identity is not redacted) with yet more information redacted when attempting to raise another serious concern. The 1st letter was ignored by the MRC as the 2nd letter (5 months later) began with a complaint for the lack of response from the MRC. They were such a nice bunch back then just like now .......NOT.

On page 76/144 there is reference to the cost of benefit payments for those diagnosed with ME/cfs - just why is this information shoved away in a secret file?

Page 88/144 - a letter from St Barts "forewarning" the MRC that a request for funding was on its way to them into amongst other things, GET - this was in 1989 - the reply from the MRC turns down the request but sends them an application form! Huh?

Be they government, corporate or lurking within the psychiatric school of theory - their incorrect illness beliefs defy logic and scientific evidence - there is more than one person involved - and so by any definition - I think, yes, it does appear to be a conspiracy - just my opinion.

Atlanta, Georgia
Like SilverbladeTE and Max said...

When we stop acting like those that hold power just don't understand and start demanding that the cover-up be uncovered, then we could get further. We need to reserve our energy for fighting against their ghastly, obvious complicity in our suffering and our dead. Right now here in the USA they are making visible mistakes that are commanding the attention of others. I think they knee-jerk react, like the publishing scam in Retrovirology and Murdock's media machine, because, in their arrogance, they think we are stupid and powerless. You can fool some of the people some of the time...

Nobody doubts that many of the apologists in the media and front-line deniers are less cogent then I am now. And that is saying a great deal considering my severe short term memory loss. But there are consistent, measurable, undeniable, systemic actions taken against the truth about ME/CFS from the top down. If I could I would research just how high up that top goes.

I believe the time to stop asking ourselves how could they make such mistakes is now. We know what they are doing. I do believe that following the money is a good beginning. We need to follow the money and we need to begin to do alot more acting up.

Every few days I have a vision of chaining my wheel chair to the entrance of the CDC but I am just to sick to even get there.


Too sick for an identity
I do think there's a censorshop and a whitewash and a rather loose coordination of vested interests which is translatlantic in some ways (the international research group behind the original CDC definitions is a case in point as is the rapidity which the UK replaced ME and PVFS with CFS) but I don't think there's very good evidence of ME being a bioweapon. If it was it would have had to have been a long time ago with the perpetrators all dead. The harm done by Wessely, White, Sharpe, Straus, Reeves and their acolytes and stooges is different, ongoing and provable with enough muscle.


Senior Member
.... and I am not suggesting that ME/cfs is a bioweapon - I am suggesting that the MRC know that this is a physical illness and yet for some reason pursue the psychiatric model.

However, it comforts me hugely that the possibility of it being a bioweapon is obviously so outrageously crazy - humans have never used or tested outrageous weapons. We are such a peaceful race of beings that would never allow this to be released- even by accident.

I don't think it is a conspiracy at all, and think the name "conspiracy" marginalizes the truth about governments the same way the term CFS marginalizes neuro-immune disease.

It is what it is:

It has been an ongoing and deliberate effort by the US, and UK (possibly more) since at least the 1980's to ignore, deceive, deprive patients of health treatment and insurance coverage. US/UK "need name please" campaign.

They avoid doing any meaningful bio-medical research. They avoid developing tests to properly quantify and identify the disease. They fund enormous amounts of useless and marginal psychological research. They bring researchers from the UK to the US to participate in government policy. They put people in power without interest in solving our neuro-immune diseae at all (who mis-allocate funds). They keep these same people in power for years, administration after administration.

The list just goes on, and on.


Senior Member
I remember a term being used in a legal case once. Someone was accused of "willful ignorance". It stuck in my mind as a term that might be used to explain what it going on in some quarters.

By not doing research and by ignoring the research that is being carried out.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
It would be nice to see what the UK has sealed in archives that can't be opened until 2070 (or whatever the date is). If the contents of the sealed papers has direct impact on other countries, couldn't those countries ask for the information? I'm not saying they would get it, but do they have the right, or obligation, to request it?


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
I don't think it is a conspiracy at all, and think the name "conspiracy" marginalizes the truth about governments the same way the term CFS marginalizes neuro-immune disease.

It is what it is:

It has been an ongoing and deliberate effort by the US, and UK (possibly more) since at least the 1980's to ignore, deceive, deprive patients of health treatment and insurance coverage. US/UK "need name please" campaign.

They avoid doing any meaningful bio-medical research. They avoid developing tests to properly quantify and identify the disease. They fund enormous amounts of useless and marginal psychological research. They bring researchers from the UK to the US to participate in government policy. They put people in power without interest in solving our neuro-immune diseae at all (who mis-allocate funds). They keep these same people in power for years, administration after administration.

The list just goes on, and on.

um, you just described a conspiracy, you do realize that? ;)


Senior Member
....... it is what it is ....... ok Mark, you can accept and believe in authority and wait and wait for them to tell you the answer - you will wait a long time. There is an agenda, there always is.

You state, "the use of the term conspiracy has become pejorative." ....... so? What has that got to do with anything? The term ME/cfs is pejorative, "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" is perhaps one of the most pejorative terms ever invented.

Every day that we, the ME/cfs community, accept the establishment position with ME/cfs, is just another day in hell - authority must always be challenged. Until the psychiatric school are removed from being primary carers we will quietly suffer and drown in very dirty muddy water. Worryingly, the Wessely brigade care not about that.
