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Possible B12 deficiency results?


Senior Member
I agree, I think many of us have a hardwired brain part that responds to authority and its almost impossible to shut it up, particularly an authority in a white coat.

The role of cyano B-12 will be a wildcard. Until you lose that, people will not be able to adequately assess you on here to help. Plus you'll have to hear about it every other post.

And I agree on the issue of confusion. Over time, if you increase or decrease or add or remove certain supplements you become more aware of what their individual roles are.

Potassium -- I had to learn the hard way that food potassium is not enough. You don't want to wait until things get really bad with a potassium deficiency. Methylation creates a potassium sink and that can manifest in many different ways. For me, the potassium deficiency created by methylfolate (or perhaps due to its interaction with B12) causes my feet to be freezing cold at times (I believe this is due to the muscle cramping in my calves impacting the nerves), along with anxiety, dry mouth, sweating at night, muscle pains, exhaustion, etc.

Taking potassium directly avoids those effects. I take potassium gluconate powder (Now Foods). Without addressing potassium, it is difficult to know where the tingling/ parethesias / cold extremities are coming from, since a deficiency, I've found, can escalate sensations like that. Since you have a puzzle of a situation, you want to address everything that CAN be addressed easily first.

There is likely no irreversible damage.
Czech Republic or UK
Thanks Crux.

I need the encouragement right now.

I'm just about to order 8 bottles of Enzymatic B12.

Do you take sublinguals or inject? I have no idea how I would afford 10mg of Enzymatic a day. A bottle every 3 days seems hectic.
Czech Republic or UK
and thanks also Victronix

Yeah I was thinking/ reading about potassium a lot. I was trying to address it with diet but I think I will start supplementing as a safety precaution.

I find it very difficult to work out what causes what. Before I started any supplementation I could feel completely different from day to day.... I have no idea what changes I can attribute to - life, food, supplements, mood, exercise, life, life, life..

i think some of my paresthesias are from muscle tension (i think). But as you say.. it is a puzzle..

I keep a diary which helps in a general way.....
Czech Republic or UK
The role of cyano B-12 will be a wildcard. Until you lose that, people will not be able to adequately assess you on here to help. Plus you'll have to hear about it every other post.

I ditched the cyno about 5/6 weeks ago.....

I pretty much do Fredd's basic protocol for the last 4/5 weeks (plus Alpha Lipioc Acid, Benfotiamine, and Magnesium Malate)


Senior Member
Hi Stillgoing;

There are few docs who know how to treat B12 deficiency, or even pernicious anaemia. It's good to be here at PR.

I know what you mean about taking alot of Enzymatic Therapy sublinguals. It's what I'm doing too. ( I've also been adding hydroxo drops, from holistic health, Dr. Yasko's brand.) This is beginning to feel hectic, as you write.

Some folks in the UK have found good docs through the NHS, but I've read of many who go private to get injections.
Some people order injectables from goldpharma.com, located in Germany.

My doc will only prescribe cyano injections, so if I have to switch, I'll have to hire another doctor.:(
Czech Republic or UK
My doctor here in UK definitely won't give me any injections.

I hopefully will be going back to Czech Republic where I normally live (and pay health insurance), in a couple of weeks.
I think the standard there for injections is cyano. In many ways the health care there is superior but patchy. For example I can get a referral to an immunologist, and endocrinologist quite quickly if I want, and my GP there is way ahead of my GP in UK in many things.. although she never thought to test B12...

The expert doctor on CFS in Czech Republic is an absolute idiot, I saw him 7 years ago. He makes a fortune from being the expert in his field. But he actually has nothing to offer. He loves prescribing Piracetem. On the czech forums he is pretty much hated. He is so rich and so arrogant, yet completely useless.

Anyway I digress


Senior Member
FYI, I take 7 ENZY tablets a day, and order 5 bottles at a time every few weeks. I had a diagnosed deficiency at 150. On the original B-12 forum, when I first started in 2008, most people would just take 5000 in the morning and 5000 later on (at that time it was Jarrow methylB12, which has since tanked), and they were fine. Since I couldn't tolerate that dosage, I had to take 1000 dose tablets spread out over the day (at that time I was taking about 4000, but some doses were half sized). I used my digital watch to set an alarm for each dosage throughout the day, otherwise I would forget. After several months of the alarm going off, my brain got the message of when to take them, and I no longer needed the alarm.

For me what's hectic these days is the potassium. I haven't yet gotten the hang of it, but it is training me -- if I slack off one day I have blowback the next day with needing to take it 2x as often.

Having a digital watch with an alarm has been really useful for me in general to remind me about dosages.
Czech Republic or UK
I've been making sure I eat a few bananas a day.

Haven't noticed any deficiency symptoms.. well no extra symptoms on top of my normal ones..

Im still puzzling over my MCV increasing from 100 (where it had been stable) to 102.7 in just 4 weeks.. and staying there...

Spend my time puzzling a lot


Senior Member
My doctor is a Class A idiot...

I'm pretty sure there is a backlash from doctors against all the media around B12.. with idiots like Simon Cowell and other celebrities taking it. It is getting a bad name.

My doctor is also under the impression that once I start getting injections I will just want more and more. What does that mean exactly? I think a high MCV, lowish B12 of 300 (despite taking b complex months before) and about 200 hundred symptoms which can be connected to B12 deficiency might actually warrant a few weeks of injections which cost about 6 pence each. I mean I have been ill for 15 years and have barely even seen a doctor in that time.

Anyway.. he is testing me for Intrinsic Factor and full blood work again. Which is about a hundred times more expensive than B12 injections.

Rant over... perhaps


Have you been tested for gluten sensitivity? Have you tried a gluten free diet for at least 6 months to see if you feel better? I had a test done but haven't received my results yet but either way I'm going back on a gluten free diet for at least one year to see if it improves my B12 and iron absorption.

Czech Republic or UK
I have been tested or gluten sensitivity. I don't have a problem with it, although a gluten free diet is a healthier diet and I do try to be gluten free.

My MCV has actually decreased again, probably due to B12 and Folate. Im hoping to get it down to mid-range for the first time since I got sick. I am also experimenting with taking more b2, as I have noticed I am no longer peeing out any excess from my thorne b complex, so I figured I am using it and I may need some more.

Experiments, experiments.

Going to immunologist soon, so more tests could show how Im doing.