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Please help with interpretation of Methylation Pathway Test

I am new here, I have been looking @ the possibility of impaired Methylation being part of my problem for awhile.
I finally got the test done through Health Diagnostics in NJ. So here it is,
Glutathione (oxidised) 0.49 range 0.16-0.50
Glutathione ( reduced) 2.9 range 3.8-5.5
SAM 211 range 221-256
SAH 46.6 range 38.0-49.0
5-CH3-THF 11.3 range 8.4-72.6
10-Formyl-THF 2.7 range 1.5-8.2
5-Formyl-THF 1.10 range 1.20-11.70
THF 0.49 range 0.60-6.80
Folic Acid 8.7 range 8.9-24.6
Folinic Acid (WB) 9.4 range 9.0-35.5
Folic Acid Active (RBC) 320 range 400-1500
Adenosine 24.0 range 16.8-21.4

From what I researched this looks like oxidative stress..
I am thinking that mercury might be causing this, but I am not sure

Thanks in advance for your input!!!!