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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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People with mild CSF/ME


Senior Member

I had some symptoms of a flu at first that left me exhausted even though I could still do normal life despite tiredness. But now if I would say that I noticed the symptoms of me after testing duloxetine, I have been much more tired, lost Concentration, rigidity, intolerance to standing, inflammation, intolerance to noise ... If this is not Me yo would be jumping for joy


Senior Member

I had some symptoms of a flu at first that left me exhausted even though I could still do normal life despite tiredness. But now if I would say that I noticed the symptoms of me after testing duloxetine, I have been much more tired, lost Concentration, rigidity, intolerance to standing, inflammation, intolerance to noise ... If this is not Me yo would be jumping for joy
well .it looks like we have the same symptoms, i have the muscle weakness aswell as an extra..but pretty much those are my symptoms aswell..maybe we just withdraw from those drugs..i don 't know :)


Senior Member
And finally, instead of looking for individual friends look for support from others through groups (religious, disabled, hobbies activist or community types that work for change etc). The type of group is very much a personal decision but I'd stay away from groups that thrive on energy experiences.

Thank you- this really is an important point.

I was recovering last year but kept seeking out and participating in my prior activities which were all around.... energy intensive experiences. I really believe the volunteer work (on top of full time job on top of exercise program) was what pushed me over the edge. If I am fortunate enough to ever be in that position again, it's really important to make different choices.
Manchester, UK
I have what may be considered 'mild' ME. Though of course, it's still life altering and life limiting. I also suffer from anxiety and often am not sure which is worse!

With the limited energy available to me, I choose to go to the gym. It keeps my weight in check and makes me feel stronger, physically. It also keeps me mentally well (as well as I can be, anyway).

Sadly, I've had to choose between looking after myself in a way that works for me and relationships. This makes me sad.

It's a very isolating illness.