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methylation just a part of the puzzle

I don't often consider all the little steps I have taken to get where I am today , learning about methylation was huge---but only another piece in the puzzle. Here are some of the things I applied.

Most people who have methylation issues are likely experiencing gut issues as well and you will
NOT heal until they are addressed.

Parasites and H Pylori and very common and pretty easy to handle given the correct approach and some time.

Afterward some L-glutamine to heal the damage and 6 months of a high quality probiotic.
A more menacing problem imo is heavy metal intoxication. I used Dietrich Klinghardt's approach with Chlorella and Cilantro tincture.

After quite some time I moved on to some of Cutler's methods and incorporated Lipoic acid and hopefully got rid of most of my holdings--- all this was after amalgam removal.

To address any one issue without paying attention to the total load will improve one to a point but you will not attain vibrant health until all bases are covered.

Gut health is huge as you can't heal if you can't assimilate nutrients.
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Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
Did you jut assume there was heavy metals present or was you able to get testing and if so, which testing did you get if you don't mind me asking)?

Which probiotics do you prefer?

I had hair analysis done at HRI (Pfeiffer clinic-Warrenville) and it showed elevations in several heavies especially mercury. At the time I had several teeth saddled with amalgam fillings and was way more intoxicated---read low cognition/stupid than I imagined. I had LD at the time as well.
I have used several different probiotics and Klaire was probably one of the better ones in powder form. I still use one frequently after periodic anti-parasitic regimes which kills a lot of flora--I like Now brand 4X6 powder-seems pretty potent.