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Length of time to speak at CFSAC


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
The last time I testified the powers to be had reduced our time to speak from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. I'm hoping it is back to 5 minutes now. Do any of you know what it was at the last meeting?


Senior Member
In August 2015 it was 3 minutes.
It might be helpful to email them and ask them to make it 5 minutes again.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
The last time I spoke I was allowed 3 minutes, and they cut me off at 2 min 22 seconds. I was eventually allowed to finish, after protests from some members. But anyone who understands public speaking realizes the a piecemeal presentation has diminished impact.

I give credit, though, to some CFSAC members who tried to see the citations I included on my hard copy, only to find it was not in their folders. Instead, there was one copy in notebook in the back of the room. This would have required all the members to get up and huddle around one copy. Anyone who operates meetings at a professional level understands that this just doesn't work. And it doesn't. So they didn't get up and check and the moment passed.