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Has anyone actually tried prescription deplin? /Thoughts on deplin


Every teardrop is a waterfall
So I really want to try the actual brand name, from what I've read it's more absorbable, and in trials for people with depression, from what I remember the 15mg version was much more effective than 7.5mg.. but I can't find the studies atm.

I've heard it's more effective too than other forms, like I've read people saying the brand name they felt better with so.. I dunno I just really would like to try it and see how I'd feel on it. Right now I take like 5mg of it and not really sure if it's doing much but don't have any negative side effects.

I'm wondering if medical would cover it? I have hardly any money so that would be a problem, but I did notice on the deplin they have a little thing saying

"Savings Options

Brand Direct Health offers specialized pharmacy services supporting health care providers by reinforcing adherence through personalized patient care. Brand Direct Health is committed to offering patients low monthly payments on their Deplin&#174 prescription in 90 day quantities. In most cases, Brand Direct Health prices are better than standard insurance co-pays."

so I think I would be able to get a good price on it? I dunno it doesn't give an actual price... unfortunately.
I could not seem find deplin on any foreign pharmacy website either.