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deplin alternative


Senior Member
I wanted to try an over the counter Deplin type to see if it helps energy and to augment my prozac.

Which products are best and at what dose? How long to see effect?

I'm new to all this Methyl stuff and gene mutation so I have no clue but I'm desperate to try things.


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
I think you could try Solgar Metafolin? Not an expert but think they are very similar except Deplin is a much higher dose.

My experience with methylfolate is that its good but very, very, very potent. I would suggest starting at under 200mcg...possibly as low as 50mcg... And take that dose for weeks before increasing. I moved too fast and the reactions (anxiety and insomnia) are uncomfortable.


Senior Member
Metafolin is the active ingredient in Deplin. Problem is Deplin comes in 15mg and 30mg dosages while over the counter metafolin comes in 0.4mg or 0.8mg.

The higher dose supplements with Metafolin I've see don't go higher than 1mg, which means you need to take 15 to 30 pills to make a Deplin dose! :jaw-drop:.
I guess 15 could be done in 2-3 separate times during the day but you're still swallowing a lot of tablet fillers :(


Senior Member
Also, small warning. Have you already taken Deplin? If not, I wouldn't recommend starting at such high dosages. As Sherpa pointed out, many people with methyl donor sensitivity have bad reactions to it. Better start slow and easy with 200mcg and increase over time, having made sure no harm is done.

You should also accompany methylfolate with B12, possibly methyl-B12, to avoid creating a block in the methylation cycle.


Senior Member
Anyone find any difference using Quatrefolic? I see MethylPro does use this version as well as Extrafolate.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA
Also, small warning. Have you already taken Deplin? If not, I wouldn't recommend starting at such high dosages. As Sherpa pointed out, many people with methyl donor sensitivity have bad reactions to it. Better start slow and easy with 200mcg and increase over time, having made sure no harm is done.

Just a voice of experience from the other side: I started with deplin-15 and nothing else at all. It took me a couple of weeks to get MeCbl and AdoCbl, et al in hand. (See Freddd protocol in my sig for my process.) Yes, that first week was pretty exciting -- some of it in good ways, some very much not -- and it can be an adventure. I don't recommend it, but many people start this way, with an Rx from a doctor who doesn't know much about the rest of the methylation supplementations. Some of them do just fine.