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Cushions and portable chairs?

Lots of chairs and couches are uncomfortable for me. If I'm at a friend's house I am starting to bring a cushion to put on the floor. I am thinking about doing it in some public settings too.

I wish there was a really good lightweight chair that would not look strange. I found a very small lightweight folding chair online, but it looks odd when someone's sitting on it because they are so close to the ground and you can barely see the chair. I don't want to draw more attention.

Sitting on the floor on a cushion would draw plenty of attention too, but I might do it sometimes. One bad part is the cushion would get dirty fast and I would have to clean it or come up with deal with putting on some kind of disposable coverings. Also this cushion weighs around 5 lbs, which feels like 15 lbs if I'm having to carry it. It's sort of large. I'm thinking of getting a smaller one.

Just wondering if anyone has helpful tips.
Thanks. Those look nice, with the reclining back. Some reviews say the seat part isn't comfortable but maybe there's another brand that is. I will look into it.

For public places, I ended up ordering one of those stools that is portable and you can use like a cane too. I think they look funny to sit on properly, but maybe I can make it work. In some situations it's a lot better to not be down near the floor, this is more normal in that respect. I hope I like it. I think I'll need to attach my own padding to it.