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Correct B12 deficiencies before starting methylfolate?


Senior Member
Would it be a good idea to take the B12's: adB12 and methylB12 for a while before starting methylfolate? Would this help decrease side-effects , esp. if stores of adb12 were already adequate before starting methylfolate?

Sorry if this question was answered in another thread. Couldn't find it.


Senior Member
People who know more than I will post tomorrow, but for now....

I think it depends on how much B12 you are taking. Tiny amounts of B12, you should be fine with just the folate from foods (eat your greens).

How much are you taking?


Senior Member
Was contemplating Fred's protocol and in my research I realize I very likely have an unaddressed b12 deficiency even though my serum levels have been normal.


Senior Member
Actually I remember reading somewhere that taking a small dose of B12 by itself is worse than taking a large doses for side effects- if you are deficient. Only deficient people have side-effects of hypokalemia and other stuff. But I don't understand why. I probably should start higher with methylcobalamin.

Also found this quote from Fred I believe:

"would not suggest starting everything at once. It can be way to overwhelming and you don’t learn as much.

Ideally I would suggest starting a,d,e,b-complex, calcium, magnesium, omega3 oils, potassium and other basic items if inclined, like Lecithin, chromium, selenium multiminerals etc. The ALA can be started too at this time. But not the critical cofactors. This gives the body a chance to bring any of those deficiencies up to par. After a few days, I would add Country Life adb12. This separates out the mitochondria startup to a large extent. Then after a few days start adding in Jarrow mb12. Be sure to use the brands specified for predictable response of sublinguals as there is a substantial difference in effectiveness by brand. Also method of use is important. Hold under upper lip in front for 45 minutes or longer for maximum effectiveness.

After adding in the adb12, the mb12 and things have stabilized, add in the methylfolate. After that has stabilized add the l-carnitine fumarate. That can have a much larger effect than the adb12 on energy generation. Actually whichever of that pair is added second is usually the most energetic. If the carnitine/adb12 pair is very energetic you may find that the TMG and smooth that out and make it more comfortable.

After all this has stabilized add the SAM-e taking one tablet to begin with and letting that stabilize. Then add another to see if it makes any difference over the first one. Then finally, try the D-ribose. Or the D-ribose can be started after comfort is reached on the first SAM-e. They work on different pathways."


Senior Member
That seems like a lot of B12 already, to me (I assume you mean mcg, not mg.). But I am unusually sensitive to it.

With that dose of B12 you could theoretically get enough folate just by eating green vegies every day. But many people here don't do well with vegies (I do).

I'd suggest you try each, separately. Be aware that a dose of folate will likely take a few days to wear off. So, maybe take B12 alone for a few days, then eat a big plate of greens, then just B12 for a few days, then half a folapro. See what your body likes.


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
B 12 side effects occur on a similar profile regardless of dose, this is only for methyl b12 though. Methyl folate can be very dose dependent. I would try bumping it up and trying a small dose of methyl folate or getting plenty of folate through diet, keep in mind a lot of the b12 will be excreted without adequate folate taken along with it.