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anyone feel better with some l-methionine?


Senior Member
do any people feel a bit better on l-methionine? does msm work similarly? right now i don't have the brain power or phys energy to deeply research, study and experiment too intricately with all of the orthomolecular concepts--I have experimented with many supplements and had docs willing to play Goldstein on and off for me over the years so have good sense that better to leave most vits and mins and aminos alone except for occasional or vit c
but sometimes methionine ok whereas most aminos can't deal with

wondering if that means per hoffer/pfeiffer thinking I might fit into the histadelia category and if anyone here aware of that and has other advice if that the case relatiing to that category


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
I have heard of methionine helping some patients from about 1998 or so. Its been tried and tried. Some seem to respond, most do not, from what I have heard. If you have found something that works for you, and if it continues to work, that is a good thing. If you have not tried it yet then be aware it can also cause issues with some of us. So be careful.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
I'm not a CFS patient, but methionine seemed to help while my labs showed I was deficient. I quit after a while, when I figured my protein digestion had improved.