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anyone do apheresis ?


Senior Member
anyone doing apheresis to detox ?

I have looked into it and germany is about $1,500

and found one place in california that will do it for $4,000 and no insurance will cover it.

I know they say you have to do apheresis probably more than once, so that would be too expensive.

So I am wondering if there are alternatives to this treatment.

Here are thoughts off the top of my head.

donating blood, it will remove a portion of the blood and take away a small amount of the toxins over time, which is probably more ideal than apheresis as it looks like it almost takes too much toxins out of the blood, this is bad because as you know the body is a cascade of permeable membranes, so if you removes toxins from blood, then they will pour out of other tissues and causes a massive toxic reaction, which then you need another session. donating blood might do it gradually enough and safe enough to better for you.

Another option. plasma donation. apheresis treats the plasma and then returns it, but donating plasma would just remove a portion of the plasma along with the toxins and then you would at least get your red blood cells back, so maybe you would get more toxins with less loss of blood cells. it would not only be cheaper, they actually pay you I think. I know they cleanse and purify the plasma so it might be safer option than giving blood and giving someone and diseases you might have.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I wouldn't donate blood or organs

They may cleanse the blood but I don't know how they do it and if they look for specific viruses. I couldn't risk making someone's life as hellish as mine is.

And what about the toxins you are worried about for yourself? Ok to pass them on?


Senior Member
apheresis is for people who dont have a functioning detox system, we get bombarded with toxins all the time, most people can deal with toxins as they have a functioning system. So yes, the small amount of toxins you may pass wouldnt be an issue for someone else.


Senior Member
oh, so BiancaS is the better health guy, Scott Forsgren ? I didnt know that, thanks.