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Alternative to Yasko's All in One multivitamin

I've been taking Yasko's All in One multi for a year or so now (http://www.holisticheal.com/all-in-one-multi-vitamin-mineral-120-capsules.html)

Initially, with good results. Over the last few months I may have started reacting to the high amount of preformed Vit A. This was most likely due to starting Equilibrant 4 months ago which I discovered has 2000 IU of Vit A. In total I've been taking 7000 IU of preformed A for 4-5 months.

I want to try an alternative with no A or in the beta carotene form. While I'm not certain this is causing problems, its high and not a good idea.

Any ideas?


Senior Member
I've been using the All-in-one too and liked initially as it was around then that my sleep improved. no guarantee they are connected.
I am running low and wondering why I am paying a lot of $ for such tiny amounts of things. Is there a good alternative? Maybe I don't need these small amounts?!

What have you discovered and what are you now taking?

I seem to be sensitive to methyl groups and so do not want a multi with methylated folate and B12.

I do take a lot of different supps and would like to consolidate.