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Today, 24th January 2019 is the Parliamentary Debate on ME


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Since there is evidence that SEIDS is communicable from animals and people a good argument for research funding would be that it needs to be stopped as soon as possible since more people will become infected over time. For example, there are up to 2 million people in the USA with SEIDS. The same number in the UK would greatly harm its economy, to say nothing of the effects on the lives of those afflicted.


So, the vote seems to have passed.. and yet it seemed the Under secretary of health still did not get it or acknowledge the problem. Saying that the healthcare services have been given a very hard time, and that there just weren’t good research proposals to fund; that people didn’t have to undergo the treatments offered by NHS etc. So, what does that mean? What happens next?


Senior Member
Tomorrow there should be a transcript of the debate which will be worth having.

Hopefully, we will get another debate as this one was shortened considerably and the minister still clearly hasn't a clue. At least it is now on Hansard.

Now Sir Simon and his cronies will be rushing to the press to mitigate the dent that was inflicted on their BPS machine today.


Senior Member
Aside from the minister of health, who should be utterly ashamed by his deaf ears and ridiculous, outdated, blaming response (!!!!), there was some really super speakers whom i, for one, am grateful to for their voices in supporting us; in an arena that has the potential to do so much for us... please let these voices not be in vain. I hope @Countrygirl is right and we get another go!


nucleus caudatus et al
Ik waak up
Many many many thanks to Carol Monaghan for insisting. (I am not from the UK though.)

Saying that the healthcare services have been given a very hard time, and that there just weren’t good research proposals to fund;
Maybe I got it wrong when I understood that there wouldn´t be any mainstream proposals (which is in fact not true, only they are controversal), so that they wouldn´t know where to focus on. It seems to me though a little bit like "We don´t want to think because we havn´t thought enough."

... at least earlier they managed to fund the pace trial, maybe hoping for an easy solution? Where has the huge money gone, the pace trial even didn´t manage to look for long term outcomes, did they? The theoretical background has only been published last year, and the essential one or two pages don´t put away the doubt on such a strange approach. What a shame at least for the scientific community...
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nucleus caudatus et al
Ik waak up
small army of MPs ... this Government could'nt give a toss about it.
What happens next?
common cens???

PS: It is my understanding that a political state (therefore its goverment) does care for those things that cannot be achieved by other systems (eg economics).
In my opinion it is a violence of the own principle of a goverment when heads turn away. And science like pace is a violence against humanity, one doesn´t need to be a scientist for being able to grasp that such an approach is at least bold, if not incosistent (indeed with the onset of the illness). It´s voodoo, if not crime.
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