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Woman 'with ME' won world kickboxing champs

I have done cpet in 2days..just 10 minutes on bike each time. My muscles are burning by lactate overload...i can not lift anything..holding on to my phone while typing this makes my muscles in arms burn. I am typing while laying down.

Impossible that this woman has ME. Maybe orher type of fatigue due to other illness like sjogre..venus williams as example.


I had a “remission” and tried to run, first day 2 min on two off for 20min. Second day started the same about min5 could not run again and walk the rest 15min. Third day I run the first 2 min. Relapsed for 2 years and still recovering. Just saying.


Senior Member
I had 10 years in remission (mild ME) but was still having some symptoms. I think I still had ME during those 10 years because I was getting PEM but it took a lot to set it off. During that time I managed to go to university. I could move around and walk very well back then, although I was not very fit and I got tired very easy and got the bus everywhere. No way could I have done a sport even back then, and I think I just learn to pace really well and the ME was milder. Now I am severe so I get PEM from going to the toilet. So sports now? only if you want to kill me!!!!!!


as long as you manage to stay alive, there's hope
I have done cpet in 2days..just 10 minutes on bike each time. My muscles are burning by lactate overload...i can not lift anything..holding on to my phone while typing this makes my muscles in arms burn. I am typing while laying down.

Impossible that this woman has ME. Maybe orher type of fatigue due to other illness like sjogre..venus williams as example.
exactly the same here, 10 minutes running for cpet, and my body fails completely


As someone who has been through some really strong remissions, I can't rule it out.

During those remissions I thought I was cured. It's now only when I look back that I can see that I was still able to induce PEM, it just was a lot harder to make it happen.

My advice to this lady would be to hang up her boots though. You'll only make yourself sicker.


Senior Member
As someone who has been through some really strong remissions, I can't rule it out.

During those remissions I thought I was cured. It's now only when I look back that I can see that I was still able to induce PEM, it just was a lot harder to make it happen.

My advice to this lady would be to hang up her boots though. You'll only make yourself sicker.

If she is self diagnosed or even if she is diagnosed by a practitioner with some sort of kind of understanding of him he has in it is quite likely she never had it to begin with. It is possible that she was relatively strong to begin with and is having a great remission.

I suspect some of us had an earlier stage of the owners many years before we became disabled, and in the interim (years’ worth) were well enough to do things like run half marathons or perhaps even the full one.

Any number of undiagnosed conditions could cause systemic tiredness weakness or fatigue and many of those conditions can spontaneously resolve. Having fully developed ME and soon bouncing back into competitive athletic shape just doesn’t add up.


Senior Member
Any number of undiagnosed conditions could cause systemic tiredness weakness or fatigue and many of those conditions can spontaneously resolve. Having fully developed ME and soon bouncing back into competitive athletic shape just doesn’t add up.

"add up" ... for the typical course of the disease.

There have been no (?) rigorous studies of what the normal disease process is in people with CFS/ME in the long-term.

Do 50% of people recover to pre-morbid functioning soon after being badly affected - certainly not.
Do 1%? We have no idea.

ME/CFS is also a diagnosis of exclusion.
Viruses can - in some cases of people with rare genetic mutations cause specific very odd symptoms in people.

We know that ME/CFS is not genomically linked simply to anything, but know much less about specific subgroups of the population that might get rapidly better.

ME/CFS seems likely to be a dysfunction of the immune system. The right 'perfect storm' of odd conditions might snap the immune system back to normal, for some patients.
I don't think it's very safe to say much more than 'did not follow the typical course of the disease'. And it'd be better to say that in 50 years time after we see she diddn't relapse.
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Senior Member
. .........
ME/CFS seems likely to be a dysfunction of the immune system. The right 'perfect storm' of odd conditions might snap the immune system back to normal, for some patients.
I don't think it's very safe to say much more than 'did not follow the typical course of the disease'. And it'd be better to say that in 50 years time after we see she diddn't relapse.

Agreed. I just couldn’t think clearly and comprehensively enough to frame it that way. Cognitive affects of this condition turn one into a Dorian Gray.
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