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Weird psychological reaction to being ill?

Hi guys

I'm 90% recovered from post viral fatigue syndrome I was ill constantly for 22 months to the extent some days I couldn't even read properly. The weirdest thing is since starting to recover physically, I've had the some weird anxiety type psychological symptoms . My main problem is that I've been excessively worrying about irrational things for some time and even worrying about worrying about them. And then worrying what the next worry will be about. As ridiculous as that is, I just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything similar?

I'm feeling a bit low about it, because even though I recognise I'm being irrational I'm still worrying.



Senior Member
Pleased to hear you're now feeling so much better.

I've not had something like that (although I've never gotten 90% better either!). My ignorant speculations: It could be that you've been through a hard time, so are feeling emotionally run down and need some time to relax? It could be more biologically driven, as some sort of response to the infection? It could be that recovering physically means you have to face new situations that are a bit stressful, and it will take you time to get used to this? No idea if there's anything you can do to help with any of these.

Fingers crossed that the anxiety will start to improve for you too. Best wishes with everything.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Changes in nutrient status can do weird things to your brain. And fighting a disease like this can sap your body's resources making you prone to problems.

Try having a Genova Diagnostics NutrEval FNV with amino acids test done. Its a great tool for finding issues.

You could be short in amino acids like tyrodine, 5-HTP, methionine, glutamine, glycine, cysteine, and/or taurine.

Could also be a shortage of folate, B12, B6, B2, niacinamide, or B1. Or omega-3 fatty acids. Or glutathione or other antioxidants.

I've had symptoms like you describe go away by taking, at different times, GABA, tyrosine, methionine, 5-HTP, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, and methylB12.

Working with someone knowledgeable to figure it out would be helpful as a scattershot approach could inadvertently worsen symptoms.

Patrick Holford's New Optimum Nutrition for the Mind is a good book.


Senior Member
Hi guys

I'm 90% recovered from post viral fatigue syndrome I was ill constantly for 22 months to the extent some days I couldn't even read properly. The weirdest thing is since starting to recover physically, I've had the some weird anxiety type psychological symptoms . My main problem is that I've been excessively worrying about irrational things for some time and even worrying about worrying about them. And then worrying what the next worry will be about. As ridiculous as that is, I just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything similar?

I'm feeling a bit low about it, because even though I recognise I'm being irrational I'm still worrying.


I think it's understandable that you'd terrified of relapsing or getting something else having made such improvements so I don't think it's ridiculous at all. The fact you know they are irrational fears is really good too, it's important to know that for you to be able to improve.

I've had various levels of anxiety for years, often about health issues. It's an awful thing and can be crippling but I have improved a lot over the last two years so you can get better. I totally understand worrying about worrying too, it's a nasty cycle to get in.


Forum Support Assistant
If you do a search, there is a good thread on dealing with anxiety here somewhere.

That's probably Hip's thread where he talks about three main supplements and many others to try. The three main supplements that work for him are: NAG (700mg 2x/day on empty stomach, Flax oil (1 Tb with food), Turmeric (1 tsp 2x/day on empty stomach).

There's also this from triffid113 on PR:
"I took care of anxiety so bad I could not function at all in 15 minutes with 50mg DHEA. Nothing else required. And keep it off with a staggered dose of 25mg DHEA later in the day. 75mg total, nothing else."