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Cravings when fatigued


Senior Member
Overexertion can trigger excess hunger in me. Trying to wait it out by not feeding it just makes it worse, whereas if I eat as soon as it starts sometimes I avoid the following crash. This will result in weight gain (or a lot of crashes) if it happens often. So the best solution is to avoid over-exertion in the first place.


Senior Member
Hello All
When you experience a flareup do you have cravings if so what are those cravings how do you satisfy them and what do you think is behind them?
In general does your appetite increase or decrease?


I think it's pretty simple. ME/CFS appears to have a significant metabolic component to it, where the cells behave a bit as if the body is starving (burning more amino acids and fats). An influx of nutrients will temporarily shift metabolism to a more normal state due to activation of something called mTOR which influences how cells produce energy.


Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
I don't know the why, other than our metabolism is screwed up...at least we have some researchers now trying to figure it out. During a flare, I crave high sodium broth and simple carbs, while my regular diet is low starch and high protein.

Simple carbs meaning?
High sodium broth like chicken or something else?
When you eat these simple carbs and broths do your cravings go away for the duration of the flare?
Do you lose or gain weight?



Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
I crave sugary stuff when I have overexerted myself. I just eat compulsively. I think it might help a little to stop me crashing at the time, but the crash does come later.
Do you get insomnia when you overexert yourself?
How does eating sugary things stop a crash?
Can you tell me what you mean by crash?


Senior Member
I crave carbs, but I have learnt that this is just my brain saying I want food ......I try and avoid binging on carbs and calories when this happens because the payback isn't worth it. Instead I spread my calories fir the day over smaller snacks and drink plenty of water I between. It is extremely hard to wait it out so distraction is my only tool....which is pretty difficult when all you want to do is lie down and cut out all stimulation.


Senior Member
How long do you have to wait it out ?
Do you mean Pasta and things like that?
It varies but typically for me 24-48 hrs but can be up to a week.

Yes carbs typically: bread, pasta, potatoes, biscuits crisps, crackers, sugary foods (including dried fruit). In fact anything my brain associates with rapid rises in blood glucose.

There are studies that indicate that high fibre and high protein foods can help reduce hunger feedback so I try eating these types of food (nuts, seeds, pulses etc) instead.


Senior Member
The other side.
I crave virtually anything with a high sugar, fat, carb or salt content. It's been going on for so long that I no longer like even my favourite crash foods, like ice cream, peanuts, crisps, bread etc. (i.e. all quick fix/hit easy foods) - my body has finally learnt that they make me feel worse regardless. This can cause issues when I'm incapable of even considering normal foods let alone preparing them.

Invisible Woman

Senior Member
Sometimes I crave salt but I think this is to do with OI /POTS issues. I recently realized I am allowing myself to become too dehydrated & to keep / benefit from the extra fluid I need salt.

When I overdo things or I am starting a relapse then I crave simple / refined carbs. Giving in to the cravings seem to make 'em worse. Instead I might have a more complex carb.

Generally eating little and often and maintaining fluid intake throughout the day helps to keep things stable. Including my weight.


Senior Member
San Francisco Bay Area
Sometimes I crave salt but I think this is to do with OI /POTS issues. I recently realized I am allowing myself to become too dehydrated & to keep / benefit from the extra fluid I need salt.

When I overdo things or I am starting a relapse then I crave simple / refined carbs. Giving in to the cravings seem to make 'em worse. Instead I might have a more complex carb.

Generally eating little and often and maintaining fluid intake throughout the day helps to keep things stable. Including my weight.

Do you feel hunger when you eat in the situation or lack of ?

Invisible Woman

Senior Member
Do you feel hunger when you eat in the situation or lack of

Not sure I understand.

I try to avoid becoming really hungry as it seems to trigger weakness, dizziness, sweating and headaches. These are then not relieved by eating if I don't eat soon enough.

Also I have to be careful not to eat too quickly it too much in one go as this triggers gastric problems and OI issues.

I do get hungry but I try to be prepared. Eating little and often helps me stay ahead if it.

Cravings & hunger are not the same thing I find. From my days of giving up smoking I will stop and consider a I hungry or is it a craving? Sometimes it is simply a craving.

The trick is to try to stay ahead if it so it doesn't happen so often. That makes it sound a bit easier than it actually is ;)