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Question re: Freddd's protocol (B-complex and B12 injections)

I'm new here and about to start on Freddd's protocol. I've already ordered and received all my supps (except the AdenoB12, which I'll order today). I had 2 questions...

1) Is taking a daily B-complex part of the protocol?

If so, appx. what are the dosages recommended? Any recommendations for any specific brands?

2) I heard from someone who did the protocol that he also did m-B12 injections. (Not sure if he did them when he first started the protocol, or if he only added this in later on, after he had been on the protocol for some time)

Is doing m-B12 injections part of the protocol?

If so, should you start on it right away (along with all the other supps), or add it in later on? What are the suggested dosages?

I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you!


Moderator Resource
Southern California


Moderator Resource
Southern California
@Healthy7 Yes, B Complex. There's a link in my signature to a Guide to Freddd's Protocol. You can find many answers there. It's the number 2 link.

@ahmo - your number 2 link is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to do Freddd's protocol! :thumbsup: I'm going to bookmark it for future reference.

@Healthy7, you should check out the link ahmo has provided, it's organized and comprehensive, and probably easier to follow than Freddd's posts.