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Modafinil while on a methylation protocol?

Hi guys, I am suffering from brain fog, low motivation and fatigue. I have started supplementing mb12 and adb12 4 days ago and it has helped me with my energy levels and depression. I have been reading on modafinil and how it helps with brain fog, motivation and fatigue. So can I use modafinil while using methylation supplements? As far as I know modafinil does not have any methyl group and so won't affect methylation.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

Edit: I am thinking about taking 50-100mg everyday from monday to thursday and then taking friday to sunday off.
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Senior Member
I got a stim crash from the 200mg dose modafinil but 50 mg combined with coffee was decent. Saves money too since a months worth of 200 mg modafinil was like $80.

Keep in mind that the role of stimulants in CFS is to help cover up symptoms, taking the edge off them. 95% of the time they wont fix any underlying problems. If you use them, and then do mentally intensive things for hours on end, you probably will crash or hurt yourself in the long run.

I doubt there is any contradictions with methylation supplements.


Senior Member
Los Angeles
I don't think there are any specific issues with the methylation supplements If you can stay on a low dose, and believe that you can maintain Friday through Sunday as Modafinil vacations... I think that's a good strategy.

But I agree with Deltrus, stimulants can be dangerous.... and can cause PEMs much worse than the 'upside' which can lead to lowering your baseline. I also went through the perpetual Modafinil crash at 200mg for about 2 months straight. I tried to make it work... I tried to limit my energy whenever possible, but it wouldnt matter... I'd still crash... I guess it just increased my heart rate by too much.

Now I do low-dose Vyvanse (20 mgs) which I can tolerate (Im 200 lbs), but I still have to be very careful with it, take breaks... and minimize movement when Im on it. I notice my heart rate raises by about 10 bpm when Im on it... so I have to be really careful to keep it below 95 bpm.
Modafinil isn't a stimulant, it's a wakefulness agent (sounds like a marketing slogan!!). It antagonizes histamine and given that so many have histamine issues on methylation protocols I would be very wary of it.

If you break out in a rash, discontinue immediately. Steven Johnson's syndrome doesn't sound like too much fun.


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
I took modafinil (50-100mg day, 5x a week) for 7 years prior to developing chronic fatigue. I consider ti a contributing factor in my illness -- I would not recommend taking it - especially not in anything more than a once-ina-blue moon basis. It is a very powerful drug that can easily allow you to over-ride your body's natural limits and create a massive amount of oxidative stress. If you are not super healthy to begin with, this can really take a toll.

If you need energy some better natural alternatives are liposomal resveratrol (I take 500mg) + Niagen. These are antioxidants and vitamins that have a healthier impact
If you need energy some better natural alternatives are liposomal resveratrol (I take 500mg) + Niagen. These are antioxidants and vitamins that have a healthier impact

I couldn't agree more. Niagen and NADH (sublingual) have been game changers for my energy levels in addition to methyl donors. When I experimented with Modafinil, it made me feel great but I had huge anxiety hangovers afterwards and histamine rashes. I seem to remember hearing a pod cast from a doctor that was studying nootropics that had to spend some weeks in the ER after trialing Modafinil with skin issues. I'll try to track down the source.

If you really want some instant energy on top of the aforementioned, try Phenylpiracetam (with small amounts of choline or Centrophenoxine/DMAE). Much safer and for me, very effective.