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Beet Juice? Anyone using it?


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
It seems all the threads I found were old, so I thought I would see if there are new results.


The patients were given 140 milliliters — about two-thirds of a cup — of concentrated beet juice, followed by testing, which found an almost instantaneous increase in their muscle capacity by an average of 13 percent. The study was published in the journal Circulation: Heart Failure in September 2015.1

So if you are using, or have used, beet juice, how do you prepare it? Raw? How about just eating cooked beets? I hadn't heard of this before, but my thigh fatigue is currently one of my worst symptoms. I will gladly add beets to my diet in one way or another (juicing takes far too much energy to make) if I could walk a block or two!

I want to hear from you if it helped you, or if it didn't help you. And does it work even if you don't juice?


Senior Member
Thankfully I don't have cancer at the moment! @barbc56 do you feel the beets help your muscles (fatigue, burning) at all? That was more the angle I was after.

No, it hasn't helped at all and in fact it's worse but I don't think that beet juice makes it worse. But Ive never had the juice but when I eat beets, it's enough to cause beeturia. Scared me the first time happened.

This article is somewhat misleading as the main theme is cancer. But the article also said there's not enough evidence that it helps any health situation.

Thanks for pointing that out.
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Senior Member
Need to write a separate post. since time has passed.

Do you have the original study? Mercola has a reputation for misunderstanding/overhyping the results of a study and lack of information that may be pertainent to understanding the original study. Especially those studies where he likes the results. For example, he has been known for citing studies that are in a test tube and not explaining the limitations of a study.

Thanks, I'll also look. I'm writing on my IPhone and the spellcheck is not working l.
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Senior Member
Tests showed beet juice to increase muscle strength by 13 percent, an improvement one might get after months of resistance training. This stems from nitric oxide formed when bacteria on the tongue converts to nitric oxide.

The effect on nitric oxide is the reason for the muscle increase and vasodilation, bodybuilders use nitric oxide boosting supplements as part of their training regime. You can get the same or probably better effect with other supplements though, one such supplement which a member had success with recently is discussed here.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Beat juice may of helped me a bit. I was experimenting with different juicing combos a while back and one which had 4 different ingredients which included beet juice did help me some where as the other combos I tried didnt (though the improvement a bit could of been due to one of the other things in that combo).