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Enzymatic Therapy B12 changed their formula

Have any of you guys purchased Enyzmatic Therapy b12 in the past week? (the methyl b12 1mg version)
This new batch is noticably lighter. If you guys remember, ET-b12 is usually very red,almost pink - this new version is light, almost white,and red.

If any of you guys get this new batch soon, please review. i'll try to give it a review myself, but, my symptoms always fluctuate anyways, so its hard for me to conclude the effectiveness.
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Senior Member
There has always been fluctuation in the color of Enzymatic Therapy B Infusion, apparently it has to do with how finely the red cobalamin is ground, and has no effect on potency or quality.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Have any of you guys purchased Enyzmatic Therapy b12 in the past week? (the methyl b12 1mg version)
This new batch is noticably lighter. If you guys remember, ET-b12 is usually very red,almost pink - this new version is light, almost white,and red.

If any of you guys get this new batch soon, please review. i'll try to give it a review myself, but, my symptoms always fluctuate anyways, so its hard for me to conclude the effectiveness.

Hi GenDylan,

The color of a tablet like this depends upon how finely ground the b12 crystals are. If they are very finely ground the pills look pinker. If the are slightly large chunks there are red specks in a generally off-white background. If anything I think the larger crystal chunks absorb a little better. They warn of this optical effect on the label..
Hi GenDylan,

The color of a tablet like this depends upon how finely ground the b12 crystals are. If they are very finely ground the pills look pinker. If the are slightly large chunks there are red specks in a generally off-white background. If anything I think the larger crystal chunks absorb a little better. They warn of this optical effect on the label..
great response Freddd thank you


Ex-workaholic adrenaline junkie
Let's all write and ask for sugar-free version? I definitely will. It's medicine, doesn't have to be candy. After trying it for a week I am otherwise very impressed - slow dissolving, high absorbing..stellar product.


Senior Member
Let's all write and ask for sugar-free version? I definitely will. It's medicine, doesn't have to be candy. After trying it for a week I am otherwise very impressed - slow dissolving, high absorbing..stellar product.
I did that and also asked for a larger size bottle, such as 120 tablets.
Recently I have poured the content of 3 bottles into one and it was still pretty much empty. At a rate of 4x day one bottle goes in a week :( And my dosage is pretty low compared to many other folks.


Rebel without a biscuit
Would be super cool if they cut the sugars by 80% !! :D
I am tempted to switch to this brand:

I tried their Hydroxy-B12 sublinguals some time ago and, miracle, they taste of nothing. The amount of sugar is almost zero.

Has anybody tried the AOR Methyl-B12?
They also make convenient 5mg and 15mg tables (sublingual)

Hi @PeterPositive

I am using this exact product (the 5mg).
Non-Medicinal Ingredients according to the label are: sorbitol, fructose, natural cherry flavour, citric acid, magnesium stearate, silicone dioxide, dextrose.

If I continue taking B12 I will look for an alternative because of the sugars.


Senior Member
Hi @PeterPositive

I am using this exact product (the 5mg).
Non-Medicinal Ingredients according to the label are: sorbitol, fructose, natural cherry flavour, citric acid, magnesium stearate, silicone dioxide, dextrose.

If I continue taking B12 I will look for an alternative because of the sugars.
so you are saying the AOR methyl-B12 is too sweet? I didn't expect it.
Have you ever tried other brands such as Source Natural or Enzymatic Therapy? Compared to those AOR is almost tasteless :woot:... At least the Hydroxy-B12 I've tried. I supposed Methyl-B12 used the same fillers.



Rebel without a biscuit
Actually no. I found they tasted quite nice but I'm a bit slow on the uptake these days.

When I bought the AOR it never occurred to me to look at the 'other' ingredients until I was reading a thread about finding sugar free versions of B12 suppl's.
I have only used AOR and I have a more limited access to brands as I buy what is available to me here in Toronto.
I have recently been considering a purchase from iHerb but I don't have money presently so it will have to wait.
I just quoted the ingredients because you said you were considering the purchase and I didn't scroll down the link you provided which shows the info I provided. :rolleyes: Sorry for providing the useless info.
Sooo. . . really I should just stop posting. I think the oft used metaphor here is 'my brain is oatmeal'. :ill:
They most definitely do have an effect though.


Senior Member
Has anybody tried the AOR Methyl-B12?
They also make convenient 5mg and 15mg tables (sublingual)

I've used the 15mg tabs. I can't seem to get past a few days using them before my feet start to burn. I honestly don't know if it's a good thing or not. My bottle might be old though. I've been debating about ordering a new bottle and really giving it a trial. I'd like to try 2 or 3 tabs at once and see what that does. I think the sugars in AOR might be upsetting my stomach though.

Sorry none of what I just said really helped.

Mr. Cat

Senior Member
Nothern California
Would be super cool if they cut the sugars by 80% !! :D
I am tempted to switch to this brand:

I tried their Hydroxy-B12 sublinguals some time ago and, miracle, they taste of nothing. The amount of sugar is almost zero.

Has anybody tried the AOR Methyl-B12?
They also make convenient 5mg and 15mg tables (sublingual)

Hi @PeterPositive,

I was on AOR 15mg for a couple of years, and it worked fine in managing CFS/ME symptoms. (Cheapest place to get it that I found was Healthy Planet in Canada). However, I was concerned about having something with sugar next to my teeth day in and day out. I just started the sugarless Country Life mB12, and I think that's even a bit more effective for me. Enzymatic mB12 never did much for me.


Senior Member
This product seems good too:

I have been using it recently, it uses only sorbitol, mint flavored, very little sugars. The tablet dissolves pretty slowly, 25 minutes under the tongue and over 1hr between lip and gum. It seems to be working fine.

One thing I can't stand in sublinguals is the fake, synthetic "cherry flavor" that they add in products such as Enzy or Source Naturals. Have they ever tasted a real cherry for crying out loud?! :mad::lol: