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Dr. Myhill- outcomes of treatment -good,bad,indifferent (poll)

Dr. Myhill- outcomes of treatment -good,bad,indifferent (poll)

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Senior Member
The way I see it is that the paleo diet is a quick way to tell people how to eliminate common food intolerances, eliminate toxins and get more nutrients. The food is bio-available.

I have to eat meat several times a day and was happy to see that she'd noticed this in her pwcs.

She has a lot on her plate. From what I've seen here, she's the ONLY doctor in the uk that actually treats pwcs. And the govt isn't making this easy for her. From what I've seen here, they'd prefer psychiatrists treat pwcs.

I would imagine her patients are more desperate and depressed than we are in the states. At least we have quite a few integrative and functional doctors.

I don't have time to read her website today but I'm sure she realizes that depression can biological or from stressors. It's great that she recognizes how foods and chemicals can cause this too. All the alternative doctors I can think of agree.

I've never scrutinized her writings because that's not her main job. I was just happy to see someone with her experience sharing her thoughts.

I don't expect perfection from any doctor but imho she's on the right track. I'd go see her if I lived there.

Tc .. x
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Senior Member
Yes they are :p The liver can store a few years' supply of it, which can delay onset of deficiency.

Oh no they aren't..... :)

The B12 issue is not about meat eating at all imo.

Its from the bacteria in cobalt rich soil. The animals eat the bacteria in the plants or else their diet is supplemented with B12...

Pesticides, over washing of produce, anti-biotics, y vaccinations and soils depleted are responsible for

*possibly not taking in enough
*Since its possible to produce our own B12 in our bodies, by far this is going to be the best useable currency to the body and my favoured method...anti-biotics, poor digestion/absorption mess with this

*Ingesting B12 from bacteria through meat may actually suppress our own system of b12 production - as may supplements...

Since its estimated that we are not aware of 90% of the bodies nutritional requurements, chemical interactions, symbiotic relationships, its all pretty futile.

There are two articles here. I had never read about B12 injections like this before By Dr.V.

Dr. G.Shaw also presents an overview with some good points. I dont think its appropriate to dissect since its all intertwined.

Dr. V: http://www.roylretreat.com/articles/b12.html

Dr. Gina Shaw:



Senior Member

Sorry about the title of this article, but it contains a lot of the issues that bother me about 'paleo'. I have read some of Cordain, the Grandfather of paleo :) thanks for the link.

Its mainly the label 'paleo' that niggles at me lol

Another thing on Dr.Myhills website is to AVOID FRUIT.
And a lot of talk of fermentation. Its interesting that she is not able to eat this.

I think what has happened is she has found something that inspires and motivates her as a way of eating and in her enthusiasm she is trying to thrust it onto the entire human race.

Being long term Macrobiotic meant I did avoid fruit mostly and couldnt really stomach it. I did have phases where i could juice and other times could not at all.

Now, I have been on an experimental diet of high carb low fat. And can eat fruit no problems at all. Maybe Perrin Technique? Another landmark ? Its still early days getting the hang of things...

I ate a watermelon for breakfast (1300 calories) and had 10 bananas for lunch (1,000 calories). Will be eating more fruit and large green salad for tea. Very cleansing from head to toe - do not recommend it though.
I do think it unfair to expect one doctor, who has been battling the GMC for years in order to keep her livelihood, should be expected to have all the answers to a complicated neurological illness for which the research has simply not been done.

Dr Myhill did a huge amount of damage to me. I would have complained to the GMC about her if she hadn't left in malnutrition and too ill afterwards. I have never fully recovered.

-Her vitamins made me worse, I reacted to them.
-Her original elimination diet (pre Paleo) the pear and lamb diet left me in malnutrition.
-The EPD injections made my allergies worse plus gave me new allergies. EPD is not recognised anywhere and she is no immunologist.
-She also gave me no receipt for payment.
-When I phoned her to tell her that I was worse she said "Well you should be feeling better by now " and to take some probiotics she heard of then closed the phone. She was not interested and did not try to help me for the new damage and symptoms I got from her treatment. She abandoned me totally.

I felt that I was just a bit of cash to her.
People go to her b/c they are desperate and she is making money from it. You can try supplements on your own without going to her. In any case non of the research she collates is not hers originally.
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Senior Member
Just giving my experience as I was a patient for 18 months and went to see her many times.

She is clearly a very kind well intentioned Dr. I suspect bad experiences are due to her being very very busy battling the GMC and trying to treat 100's of patients simultaniously. I would disagree strongly that she is in it for the money, I had personal experience with her that proves this to me...if she was I think she could charge a lot more too. It's not like she has appointments available every week. She is also the only CFS / ME Doc I know that puts all her info up for free on her site.

I was not helped by her treatment but I do think that perhaps this poll is going to be slightly negatively biased. You have to bear in mind that people who have been around a while to find PR are going to be the more ill of the bunch and more difficult to treat.

So for PWCFS she may be able to help a lot where no other Dr in the UK can. For people with "real" ME with complex immune system problems she is unlikely to help IMO. She does not really treat infections head on but instead tries to support the body to do so by itself...well that is fine if your infections are not a big issue, if they are then it's not going to do it for you. Like others have said she does not really distinguish CFS from ME which I think is a shame.

Also bear in mind that she has to work within many patients very limited budget as in the UK there is no insurance to cover any of this. Her treatment is very streamlined in this way. A lot of people in the UK can simply not afford a battery of tests and IV treatments. This in itself is very sad but she has a treatment plan which is helpful for some people and affordable. Even though she hasn't helped my symptoms I take my hats off to her.

Best wishes,



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Just giving my experience as I was a patient for 18 months and went to see her many times.

She is clearly a very kind well intentioned Dr. I suspect bad experiences are due to her being very very busy battling the GMC and trying to treat 100's of patients simultaniously. I would disagree strongly that she is in it for the money, I had personal experience with her that proves this to me...if she was I think she could charge a lot more too. It's not like she has appointments available every week. She is also the only CFS / ME Doc I know that puts all her info up for free on her site.

I was not helped by her treatment but I do think that perhaps this poll is going to be slightly negatively biased. You have to bear in mind that people who have been around a while to find PR are going to be the more ill of the bunch and more difficult to treat.

So for PWCFS she may be able to help a lot where no other Dr in the UK can. For people with "real" ME with complex immune system problems she is unlikely to help IMO. She does not really treat infections head on but instead tries to support the body to do so by itself...well that is fine if your infections are not a big issue, if they are then it's not going to do it for you. Like others have said she does not really distinguish CFS from ME which I think is a shame.

Also bear in mind that she has to work within many patients very limited budget as in the UK there is no insurance to cover any of this. Her treatment is very streamlined in this way. A lot of people in the UK can simply not afford a battery of tests and IV treatments. This in itself is very sad but she has a treatment plan which is helpful for some people and affordable. Even though she hasn't helped my symptoms I take my hats off to her.

Best wishes,


Yes this is very close to my experience and views. D Myhill also treats people with other disorders and just plain 'chronic fatigue' she has also recently taken over many of Dr Skinner's thyroid patients after he died.


Senior Member
I ate a watermelon for breakfast (1300 calories) and had 10 bananas for lunch (1,000 calories). Will be eating more fruit and large green salad for tea. Very cleansing from head to toe - do not recommend it though.

10 bananas?! I thought one had to be careful eating too many bananas as it can stop your heart or something? I don't know the exact mechanism.


Senior Member
10 bananas?! I thought one had to be careful eating too many bananas as it can stop your heart or something? I don't know the exact mechanism.

Lol, dont worry :) Its not THAT experimental. Thanks for the concern though - I appreciate it.

There are lots of myths about created by Fruit Deniers.


Senior Member
I have had some treatment via Dr Myhill. I could not get to her in person so had the mitochondrial test done, plus a follow up phone appointment, some 4 years ago. After that I tried to follow the treatment plan.

Whilst many of the supplements seemed to make little difference to my symptoms, I did find the Paleo diet the most useful thing suggested, along with the use of Betaine HCL which has also helped my husband's digestive issues. In fact if I was more strong willed and kept more rigidly to the diet then I would probably have less stomach problems that keep re-emerging.

That said, I don't eat as much meat as suggested but I do eat a lot of veg, with v little carbs, and v little fruit.

In the last year I have had face to face appointments with another private Dr who operates in a similar way to Dr Myhill, (not exactly the same), and have had many more tests done. Improvement has been limited though I can manage the symptoms better now. Immune issues have improved to some extent though are still present. This Dr doesn't specifically recommend the Paleo diet but provides info on various diets that might help, or exclusions that might need to be made.