She is the best of a bad bunch.
Well meaning and caring I am sure.
However she confuses all the labels and uses CFS, ME, CFS/ME, CF, PVF. interchangeably.
Does not use or order all the scientifically tested bio-markers for M.E.
I am not bothered ultimately about labels however in doing this she does not check that you have had all the tests to rule out other conditions (as the NHS is so poor at this) For example: Coeliac Disease
Next would be the tests which have been done, but incorrectly or outdated by the NHS. Not flagged up as problematic eg: b12 levels etc.
Then would be her view that there is no reliable test for Lyme (this maybe a good or bad thing).
She seems good at understanding current reference ranges and noticing thyroid problems but simply prescribes thyroid meds without seeing you in person and without checking for adrenal problems. Or even having a Skpye consult.
I think this is particularly dangerous.
She does not check or test you or ask for info. On your blood pressure /POTS for example or basal temperature.
There is no explanation as to why the supplements are being prescribed , particularly if your test results dont show a deficiency, nor any real understanding of the difficulties of taking such supplements.
Nor any warning of the damage and relapses that can be caused and so no real informed consent.
She doesnt do follow up results which particularly is bothersome to me. In other words, she doesnt ask you how you got on with her protocol unless of course you volunteer to go back to her and pay for a consultation.
There is significant leanings into a psych perspective, enough to make me wonder if she has not deliberately devised a blanket protocol like this for maximum placebo response. (For example, injecting yourself rather than taking a pill has been shown to have a higher placebo result).
Finally, the blanket prescribing of a paleo diet (whilst again having been shown as activating a placebo responce) is unjustified in my view.
The current science is absolubtely clear that meat eating to that degree is a cancer and health risk. The best scientific advice is to include a little or no meat in your diet for optimal health. And whilst it embraces the idea and romanticises the cave men era, I think it causes much harm. In my view she should absolubtely NOT be in effect prescribing meat. Its not the 1950s.
That said, she has some excellent website advice (although a lot has had to be removed due to the GMC) and the general overall advice to the General Public is great, its nice seeing functional ideas..although much too reliant on supplements.