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Sulphur Sensitivity and Fibromyalgia Getting Worse With Detox!


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Please help!! My sulphur sensitivity seems to be worse the more detox I do. Even before starting liver flush/colonics it was already happening.

I have Lyme, mercury, pesticide, yeast, MTHFR mutations, etc and since my family doesn't suffer with such allergies or Fibromyalgia/CFS I would assume it is the mercury toxicity that is causing all of this.

I know KPU minerals (Biopure Core) contains 100mcg Molybdenum (Krebs) and it works great for my kryptopyrroluria symptoms but I stopped after a few days due to copper dump (felt so rude and short with everyone right afterwards).

I then tried taking Molybdenum by itself ... Biotics Research Mo-Zyme, Molybdenum (from vegetable culture) at 2 x 50mcg and immediately noticed an increase in my Fibromyalgia! Does this mean it is bad for me and I shouldn't take it anymore? Or is this a herx reaction and I should keep taking it?

What should I do? I heard "molybdenum amino acid chelate" is the best form we should be taking for Sulfur Sensitivities? Can anyone recommend where to purchase this?

Also sugar foods increase my yeast symptoms (even breakfast cereal) ... so I am getting limited to what I can eat now :-(


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@taroki, I also have pyroluria and sulfur and histamine intolerance, as well as probably some sensitivity to oxalates. I've been doing coffee enema detox for 3 months. During this process I found that histamines and sulfur/ammonia were making me feel toxic afterwards. When I added supplements for these, I felt much more normal. I use ornithine, lysine, butyrate for sulfur/ammonia. Also arginine, which I hadn't realized until this process also reduces these byproducts. Klinghardt also notes glycine for detox. He emphasizes chlorella as part of detox program. I'm doing this successfully, although I don't tolerate any other forms of high sulfur supps.

I've been on the Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet (GAPS) for 2 years. My diet is very limited, but very satisfying, and I'm healing.

I don't know what to say about the molybd. I've settled on Country Life brand, from iherb. I used to use a liquid formulation, but that has/produces ammonia.

I've recently watched the vid I'm linking from Dr. Klinghardt re treating lyme/autism. I'd been following his pyroluria supp recommendations, but had never seen him until now. He's very inspiring. His formula for pyroluria, lyme: Detox, detox, detox. And, remove all EMFs from the environment. I'm giving you a selection of his links. Best to you, ahmo

Klinghardt: Autism, Lyme, Pyroluria

Powerpoint doc from Klinghardt presentation Lyme Induced Autism

A Treatment Guide: Lyme and Other Chronic Infections (92 pgs) D. Klinghardt MD, 2009
http://www.klinghardtacademy.com/images/stories/powerpoints/treatinglyme 2010.pdf

Lyme Induced Autism 80 pg doc; comprehensive discussion, charts, thermal images
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Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
OMG, thank you so much for your post!! I had no idea the NutriCology liquid molybdenum (ammonium molybdate) was causing my ammonia sleep issues this week until I saw your post! I thought it was working because my muscle tightness/pain released. But now it makes sense! It also dehydrated me (pellets of stool came out during colonic yesterday).

My sulphur/sulfite allergy has gotten much worse over the past few weeks!!! It started with the liver flush a couple weeks back, then the colonics (after the second one I had a huge candida intestinal yeast flare up, but better after the third yesterday).

And now for the past week I notice even drinking Brita filtered tap water I am sometimes reacting to! Why is this? (could it be that it is stiring up the sulfites in the body?) Is there a type of water I should drink with no sulfites? What about bottled spring water which has sulfates?

I am already on a low sulfur diet but it kept getting worse lately. I am also wondering if I can safely drink water Kefir (I didn't feel bad after taking it last week but I don't know about now?) Would like to fix my candida issue so at least I can eat some sugar.

Would more liver flushes help? Or would I not be able to tolerate the Epson Salt (magnesium sulphates?)

Thanks for the Dr. Klinghardt links! Looks like I should order Biopure Matrix Electrolyte. I had no idea phosphorous was so important for detox. I have Metagenics electrolytes but it contains fructose which is bad for my candida issue.

I think I have a histamine intolerance also. Since juicing and eating healthier I noticed my citrus fruit tolerance decreased, along with the sulphites. Eating kiwi had always made my tongue itchy, and same with avacado and other fruits in the beginning. I also recall checking all the boxes under histamines on the KPU checklist. Is this what is histamine intolerance?


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Also have you tried sulfite urine test strips? If so which is the best brand? I am confused as there are both sulfite and sulfate test strips. It would be nice to see if molybdenum is working in the long run.


Senior Member
When you detoxify, you will feel worse as the toxins come out. If detox is too much, the best thing is to slow down until it's at a point you can tolerate it. Like Yasko is fond of saying, it's a marathon, not a sprint.

My suggestion would be to stop rapid detox measures like colonics, and go back and work on the gut with the 4R Gut Rebuilding Program linked in my signature.

The yeast holds onto toxic metals, so killing off the yeast will begin to gently remove metals.

Then proceed with methylation. Since you're having sulfur sensitivity, it sounds like you may need to do a CBS protocol. The Heartfixer page (linked in my signature) has great info on this.

Also the CBS protocol is supposed to be helpful for Lyme. Like if you're taking antibiotics for Lyme and they're not successful, it may go better after working on CBS. So that's like killing two birds with one stone.

Then you can start with actual methyl supps (folate/B12) for your MTHFR and MTRR and so on. This will also start to detox further metals, raise glutathione and get your detoxification system working better.

Then after you've worked up to full doses of these supps (and this would be like a year from now or more if you work the whole plan in order), if you want, you can add colonics and flushes and so forth back in.

There is a link to the right sulfate test strips in my signature.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Hi caledonia,

Thanks for replying. I think you are right that I should go more slowly. I get obsessed easily and right now I am so obsessed about getting better, that is all I think about 24/7. The good thing is I have made a lot of progress since starting detox last year ... I know what exactly I have now at least.

For the test strips ... how come we use the sulphate test strips and not the sulphite ones? When do we use which?

I like the idea of the yeast removing metals. I looked at your pdf and think I have pretty much covered everything except the actual tests. I figured I already got rid of all my parasites (except the ones hiding in the impacted stool in upper colon which I was hoping to get a Rife machine for) and that doing colonic and replacing with probiotics and kefir would be the best I could do. The microsilica seems to be great with no negative side effects even with my sulphur sensitivity (i think).

The CBS protocol on Yasko's page seems so complicated. I saw it many times but still cannot comprehend it. I don't know if it's my foggy brain or if the toxicity has robbed my intelligence. Does this mean I should purchase the Yasko test and how much is it? Would Dr. Yasko be able to help and interpret? I couldn't even get an appointment with Dr. Klinghardt (I find his work on Lyme/Autism most relevant to my condition as I have "Aspergers" due to mercury I guess).

I have started methylation supplements already a few months back. I am taking MethylB12 (helps mood and everything), Methylfolate (helps detox), TMG (helps fibromyalgia). What should be the full dose? Just wondering.

I haven't yet started treatment for Lyme as I wanted to boost my immune system first by detoxing and methylating.

I've been having suicidal thoughts again. This is hard and it doesn't seem to end.
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@taroki I don't know what's in the water. I now use a Big Berkey water filter with it's extra flouride filter.

I think I have a histamine intolerance also. Since juicing and eating healthier I noticed my citrus fruit tolerance decreased, along with the sulphites. Eating kiwi had always made my tongue itchy, and same with avacado and other fruits in the beginning. I also recall checking all the boxes under histamines on the KPU checklist. Is this what is histamine intolerance?
I know strawberry is histaminic, and kiwi is related. Avocado definitely is. All fermented foods. I'm linking to a list. Also, meats left in refrig, or, rather, I think, all left-over foods, grow histamines. I now freeze my meat in meal-size chinks, defrost prior to the meal. Also, linking to an article re how certain probiotics add to or help w/ histamine issues. Let me know if you want other names of these probiotics. Best to you, ahmo


Would like to fix my candida issue so at least I can eat some sugar.
GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet allows honey. I think even those w/ candida use small amounts of honey.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@taroki Even your suicidal thoughts could be histamine-provoked. Or, glutamate.:(

I use footbaths for detox, AM/PM. When I started GAPS I took full baths, but now I do this shortcut. The first bath has clay and charcoal, the second with bicarb, grapefruit seed extract, aminos for sulfur/ammonia: ornithine, lysine, also arginine, glycine as recommended by Klinghardt. Vit C + CA for histamine removal. I also put my K+, mg, other minerals into this. I don't need to use any extra than I would orally.

Also, you probably need something for biofilm, which surrounds bacteria nad makes them impermeable. I began using oils of clove, lemongrass for this, + oregano oil for bactera. I put this on soles of feet, palms, as per< I believe, Klinghardt. When I went looking for the source of this info, I came across references to eucalypt oil for best biofilm buster. I added this, had a big response. then I added tea tree instead of eucalypt, even more response. Then my body requested even more, putting it on torso, armpits as well. I continued on w/ my coffee enemas, needing much larger than usual supps to keep up w/ the detox.

Klinghardt recommends Biosil as adjunct for biofilm. It contains silica and collagen. I'm getting silica from diatomaceous earth. I added some collagen I had on hand to my mix, (footbaths and enemas) and again, massive increase detox response. And again, my self-testing system prevailed, I added in more of my mediating supps, and had no toxic feelings in this period.

BTW, histamine help: rutin, royal jelly, quercetin.

It does take a long time, but you've already felt improvements. My brain was very foggy when I began. It was all so daunting. As I improved, especially when I'd introduced P5P instead of B6, I could comprehend more, it was easier, and I began to enjoy this whole research. I wished at times I had a practitioner, but there was none available. And now I'm vastly improved. Just now a year into Freddd's Protocol. I had to correct for CBS first, I thought it would take forever, but where I am now is incomparable to where I was a year ago. Hang in there.

I've used 4 of Yasko's RNA formulae. Bowel inflammation and Leaky gut I now use 1drop 1-2 times/week. But the ones for my single homozygous SNP, MAO (histamine problems), I use 5 drops/day, and CBS 2 drops/meal with meat. Non-meat meals, none. I get these dosages by self-testing. Once in awhile in my coffee enema detox procedure I test for needing extra CBS drops, but usually the aminos I mentioned above work.

Re how much B12/folate, here's a good FAQ. I'm currently on about 14mg Mfolate, 17mg MB12. I've moved the folate doses slowly up, 100-200mcg (.1mg) every day or 2, depending upon my symptoms, which for me are acne, pimples, hair loss. I add B12 to meet any symptoms following folate increases. I can clarify, if you want, don't have the time just now. Best wishes to you, :thumbsup:ahmo
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Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Oh no!! Just took a shower this evening and found out I'm now allergic to the face wash I have been using without a problem previously. I also had very itchy eyes last week after using this eye cream : http://ca.iherb.com/Palmer-s-Cocoa-Butter-Formula-Line-Smoothing-Eye-Cream-5-oz-15-g/51520

Did you guys have these major allergies too and did they improve?

I think the candida overgrowth in the gut last week must have made the allergies worse very quickly?

I really wish I had a doctor who knows this stuff. If there is anyone out there who are taking new patients can you send me their info? I guess since I'm getting desperate I will fly anywhere.

I woke up just now after 1 hour with very dry mouth again. Anyone know why this is? Is this from an overload of ammonia/sulphur in my body? My gut is also dehydrated and I think just like last week I won't be able to have a bowel movement until I take kefir (which I can't take now because of the sulphur issue).

Also would distilled water have the least sulphur? I think I can purchase it at a local water store.

All I ate/took yesterday was brown rice, brita filtered tap water, a small amount of fish, lots of probiotics, 150mcg molybdenum amino acid chelate, methylB12, yucca root, arginine (I ran out of ornithine). I guess I should stop the molybdenum for now?

I'm having suicidal thoughts again .... this is horrible! I began talking to my boyfriend about me dying and he said if I die, he would die with me!

Can you guys send me links to whatever it is I need to purchase to get through this? I am very overwhelmed at the moment. I am already underweight with no muscles mass and don't know for how long I can survive on brown rice. If I get through this alive I will give you all lots of hugs and kisses ...

So when you started CBS supplements your sulphur/ammonia decreased right away? It would be nice to have no brain fog.

I have taken diatomaceous earth also last year, and had a Lyme die off and my skin became moist and nails stronger (along with parasites scattering and running to the brain, heart palpitations, etc). I also took silica in the form of Enterosgel and Quicksilver IMD Microsilica.
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@taroki Oh No!:aghhh:...I looked at your eye cream...it has lot's of stuff, no telling what those ingredients are/do. I make all my body/face cream now, use shea and cocoa butters, will post my recipe if you want.

Fish is often/usually high histamine. As someone said to me, unless a friend catches it and you're waiting with the hot frying pan, it'll have histamines. It needs to be cleaned and gutted immediately, or else histamines. sorry.:(

Do you have Vit C and Calcium? Take some, or put into footbath. These help mobilize histamines out of the system.

If you just took "lot's" of probiotics, this could be the problem: massive immediate die-off. All these doses need to start low and slow.

Distilled water is a bad idea, it'll deplete all your minerals. You should be drinking lot's of water. Spring water? or something w/o chlorine, flouride if poss. Brita's better than distilled.

taroki, even if you don't want to go on the GAPS diet plan, I strongly suggest you start making some meat broths for nourishment. The standard, my main food, is bone broth, but this will often cause die-off. If you can get a piece of meat, chicken, whatever you find you can eat, grass-fed, and make a broth with this, you'll start getting some nourishment.

Have you watched Klinghardt's vid I linked earlier? It might give you more info. I'll return later and see if there's more I can add to this post. :hug:
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Senior Member
Please help!! My sulphur sensitivity seems to be worse the more detox I do. Even before starting liver flush/colonics it was already happening.

I have Lyme, mercury, pesticide, yeast, MTHFR mutations, etc and since my family doesn't suffer with such allergies or Fibromyalgia/CFS I would assume it is the mercury toxicity that is causing all of this.

I know KPU minerals (Biopure Core) contains 100mcg Molybdenum (Krebs) and it works great for my kryptopyrroluria symptoms but I stopped after a few days due to copper dump (felt so rude and short with everyone right afterwards).

I then tried taking Molybdenum by itself ... Biotics Research Mo-Zyme, Molybdenum (from vegetable culture) at 2 x 50mcg and immediately noticed an increase in my Fibromyalgia! Does this mean it is bad for me and I shouldn't take it anymore? Or is this a herx reaction and I should keep taking it?

What should I do? I heard "molybdenum amino acid chelate" is the best form we should be taking for Sulfur Sensitivities? Can anyone recommend where to purchase this?

Also sugar foods increase my yeast symptoms (even breakfast cereal) ... so I am getting limited to what I can eat now :-(
taroki hi

I also have mercury, pesticide, yeast MTHFR and Lyme

What l am doing now is, resistant starch, pro and pre biotics, liposomal vit c and rifing. I rifed for streptococcus yesterday and herxed. For the first time for ages l feel l am making progress. Good luck. How did you get the pesticide?


Senior Member
For the test strips ... how come we use the sulphate test strips and not the sulphite ones? When do we use which?

There's only one kind of strip - the sulfate one linked in my signature. Just guessing, the sulfate is what comes out in the urine and can be measured, and that's why you would use a sulfate strip.

I like the idea of the yeast removing metals. I looked at your pdf and think I have pretty much covered everything except the actual tests. I figured I already got rid of all my parasites (except the ones hiding in the impacted stool in upper colon which I was hoping to get a Rife machine for) and that doing colonic and replacing with probiotics and kefir would be the best I could do. The microsilica seems to be great with no negative side effects even with my sulphur sensitivity (i think).

A stool test will give you a great deal of information about your gut and will give you a roadmap for getting better - what gut bugs you have, what herbs are effective against them, if you have leaky gut, if you need to increase levels of good bacteria and so on.

The CBS protocol on Yasko's page seems so complicated. I saw it many times but still cannot comprehend it. I don't know if it's my foggy brain or if the toxicity has robbed my intelligence. Does this mean I should purchase the Yasko test and how much is it? Would Dr. Yasko be able to help and interpret? I couldn't even get an appointment with Dr. Klinghardt (I find his work on Lyme/Autism most relevant to my condition as I have "Aspergers" due to mercury I guess).

Yasko's materials are complicated and often hard to understand. Heartfixer is a summary of Yasko's material and sometimes he adds in his own info. It can still be complex, but it's easier.

Not sure what you mean by Yasko's test for CBS?

I have started methylation supplements already a few months back. I am taking MethylB12 (helps mood and everything), Methylfolate (helps detox), TMG (helps fibromyalgia). What should be the full dose? Just wondering.
I haven't yet started treatment for Lyme as I wanted to boost my immune system first by detoxing and methylating.
I've been having suicidal thoughts again. This is hard and it doesn't seem to end.

Taking methyl supplements at too high of an amount, or the wrong kind or before you're ready, can could cause suicidal thoughts. My suggestion again would be to slow down to a level you can tolerate, so you're not suffering.


Senior Member
Oh no!! Just took a shower this evening and found out I'm now allergic to the face wash I have been using without a problem previously. I also had very itchy eyes last week after using this eye cream : http://ca.iherb.com/Palmer-s-Cocoa-Butter-Formula-Line-Smoothing-Eye-Cream-5-oz-15-g/51520
Did you guys have these major allergies too and did they improve?
I think the candida overgrowth in the gut last week must have made the allergies worse very quickly?

This should improve with fixing leaky gut and also raising glutathione levels. There's probably some histamine involvement too, but I'm not as well versed in that.

I really wish I had a doctor who knows this stuff. If there is anyone out there who are taking new patients can you send me their info? I guess since I'm getting desperate I will fly anywhere.

I have a Practitioner list linked in my signature. Several of them will work by phone or Skype.

woke up just now after 1 hour with very dry mouth again. Anyone know why this is? Is this from an overload of ammonia/sulphur in my body? My gut is also dehydrated and I think just like last week I won't be able to have a bowel movement until I take kefir (which I can't take now because of the sulphur issue).

In my experience, dry mouth and dry eyes are caused by weak adrenals. You can get relief by doing high dose pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Sears Labs Omega Rx works best for me. You can get a lot of cavities due to dry mouth. One of the fake saliva rinses might help too, assuming you're not allergic and can stomach the idea of fake saliva (I can't - lol).

Also would distilled water have the least sulphur? I think I can purchase it at a local water store.
All I ate/took yesterday was brown rice, brita filtered tap water, a small amount of fish, lots of probiotics, 150mcg molybdenum amino acid chelate, methylB12, yucca root, arginine (I ran out of ornithine). I guess I should stop the molybdenum for now?

That could actually be too much moly. Yasko/Heartfixer only suggest 75mcg. Making your sulfur too low is bad too. Like everything else in the body, a balance is preferable.

I'm having suicidal thoughts again .... this is horrible! I began talking to my boyfriend about me dying and he said if I die, he would die with me!

Again this could be mercury coming out. I'm getting OCD death thoughts myself. But I keep the detox rate low enough that I can deal with it. Eventually once the mercury is out, you will be able to crank up methylation higher and tolerate it.

Can you guys send me links to whatever it is I need to purchase to get through this? I am very overwhelmed at the moment. I am already underweight with no muscles mass and don't know for how long I can survive on brown rice. If I get through this alive I will give you all lots of hugs and kisses ...

Ok, the underweight thing and very limited diet concerns me. My mom had ME and had this, and it wasn't a good situation. So then we're back to working on the gut.

You're really scattered and all over the place, doing too much too fast, causing adverse reactions and so on. You said you would fly anywhere, so it sounds like you would have the means to have a doctor and not go it alone. That's what I would suggest. A doc can help you with a plan and help you focus on one thing at a time until your body is ready for the next step.
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
The molybdenum amino acid chelate I looked up, Douglas, doesn't have ammonia. Are you sure yours does? I don't think kefir has sulfur, it's histamines. Natasha Campbell-McBride suggests avoiding Prebiotics, as they feed the bad bacteria as well as the good. Dry mouth: just swish a bit of baking soda/bicarb solution. And drink more! Constipation can be from bacterial die-off, that's why I'm doing coffee enemas. Sorry to just throw out thoughts, All I can manage just now. :zippit:


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
I got up just now to drink a bit of water and ornithine on empty stomach. And even that sent my heart rate up. I am scared ....

Is it due to my gut? Or the sulphur?

I just spoke to Stirling Hill who helped go through my gene mutations. She noted the histamine problem, inability to break down pesticides, IgG problems (i had supplemented with Xymogen's IgG 2000 DF before and that helps) and many others.

She also recommended the GI Effects Stool Analysis and that I should test for the CBS gene mutation since she doesn't know whether I have it. She says the GI Effects Stool Analysis test should include which drugs to take to kill the bad bacteria (they put the drug in the stool to test to make sure it works) but I spoke to a local practitioner who knows Sterling Hill and says the recent tests no longer show it. Does anyone know about this?

Also that I should do a test for sulphite/sulphur/sulphate and molybdenum blood test before supplementing with more molybdenum.

She says I have a histamine mutation, and that things like fish oil have high histamine (I think?).

And a gene that contributes to infections in the gut.

Also mentions I have AHCY gene which is common in Asians.

She also said that probiotics is bad for leaky gut. I wonder why is that? I think my stool seems more healthy now with the probiotics. Though they are slightly light brown colour and still not regular.

At this point I think I should just go for the Yasko test ... do you know if she actually talks to you in person about what to do? I read that only her Yasko test shows CBS mutations, not the cheaper 23andMe test. Not sure where I can order this? Can't find it on her website.

I know now it was the colonics that made my leaky gut even worse and sulphite sensitivity worse ...


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@taroki I can only comment on a couple things in your last post. I can't understand why Sterling says no probiotics. I can post some probies that are better for histamine intolerances. Otherwise, I can't imagine why you would avoid what is considered very basic to gut healing. Well, lunless they're causing too much die-off. Are you taking large or small amounts? Like other things, you need to start low and go slow w/ probiotics.Light brown stool...need liver/gb support?

23andme does test for CBBS, but not for SUOX, another sulfur defect. I'm not sure, but have the impression Yasko gives you a written consult. You can ask on her forum. But you've already tested....?

My sulphur/sulfite allergy has gotten much worse over the past few weeks!!! It started with the liver flush a couple weeks back, then the colonics (after the second one I had a huge candida intestinal yeast flare up, but better after the third yesterday).

It sounds like the colonics made you worse because you didn't have the right support for detoxxing, that's my guess. Are you using chlorella (high sulfur, but I tolerate it), other things to bind and carry out bacteria and metals? Olive leaf extract, oregano oil, grapefruitseed extract?

Are you taking any potassium? When I'm K+ deficient, my heartrate increases, gets stronger.

Hope you're getting a good sleep.:sleep:


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Actually sleep hasn't been good at all. I am awake now trying to go back to sleep but feeling very anxious and waking up only after a few hours at best. I am wondering if you know whether Olanzapine has Sulphur in it?

I'll take more potassium, thanks! It's hard because I am afraid every thing I am taking is causing some reaction (even drinking brita filtered tap water!)

Thanks for suggesting the Yasko forum. I will try there also. I have contacted Dr. Carley (http://www.reversingvaccineinduceddiseases.com) and maybe she can be my new doctor?
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Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
I notice more runny nose and sneezing the past two days. I took power buffered vitamin C (only vit c and calcium, no extra ingredients) and noticed discomfort when drinking it. Sort of like when drinking water.

I wonder if I have some sort of major small intestinal yeast overgrowth? (SIBO) Is this the cause of it? I had tried flagyl for about 3 days a few months ago (had it lying around and thought I'd try) ... maybe that wasn't enough as it came back? The sad part is nobody here in Toronto is able to diagnose this. I went to several doctors including the one where I did my endoscopy and colonoscopy (both results came back fine except for small stomach inflammation which he gave me medicine for).

Found the Yasko test I think ....

This is what I need to confirm if I have CBS mutations?
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Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
I think I must have an upper gut fermentation. I need to spit now after eating especially if I take something with even a little sugar. I also feel things crawling there sometimes. Can bacteria cause this? I thought most of the parasites were gone.

Hi Brenda, looks like you have the same issues as me ... do you have high copper as well? And sulphite/sulphur sensitivity? Just curious.
Have you tried using your Rife for candida, yeast, and other SIBO or colon bacteria? I wonder if it would work instead of drugs.
Does liposomal Vit C give you problems if you have sulphite/sulphur sensitivity?

I've tried glycine for sleep and it worked well for a few days, then I didn't notice any improvement. I seem to have less trouble falling asleep these days, but more trouble in staying asleep. And thanks for the reminder about the prebiotics! My memory hasn't been the greatest lately.

Thanks for the tip on the dry mouth, dry eyes. I have always wondered why I have those. Also I notice my eyes get itchy and hurt whenever my face gets oily (my boyfriend has this same problem). Seems to be worse sometimes than others. Is this a yeast problem?


Senior Member

Hi Brenda, looks like you have the same issues as me ... do you have high copper as well? And sulphite/sulphur sensitivity? Just curious.
Have you tried using your Rife for candida, yeast, and other SIBO or colon bacteria? I wonder if it would work instead of drugs.
Does liposomal Vit C give you problems if you have sulphite/sulphur sensitivity?

I don't know about copper. My family had aneurisms which I think is low copper but I'm still researching that. There is a condition where copper does not get into the cells. Is that what you are referring to and have you got that? Yes I have sulphur/sulphite sensitivity as I have the ++CBS.. I have high histamine. Corneal erosions at night.

I am just starting to use rife after a long gap and yes I will be treating candida. I treated strep yesterday and herxed. For other bacteria I am also taking resistant starch and Mutaflor and about to start others again after stopping them before due to increased histamine. I also have salicylate damage on my genes. What are your detox genes?

I have had two serious mercury poisonings and carbamate pesticide chronic exposure with spraying for cat fleas.

My sleep is terrible atm.