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Ketotifen for leaky gut


Senior Member
Yeah I meant to say food allergies. I'm not sure it would be helpful with anyone who doesn't have a significant food allergy problem.


Senior Member
I just picked up on this topic. Never heard of this drug before but it is actually available in Canada! Are you talking about regular food allergies (IgE mediated, usually causing anaphalaxis) or are you referring to food sensitivities? I have so many sensitivities and have been trying to figure out what to do now that I'm having major bowel problems too.

Has anyone found out more since the last post on this topic?


Senior Member
http://www.autismrecoverytreatment.com/Biomedical Autism Intervention/dr-kurt-woeller/

It's Dr Kurt Woeller;s protocol. He might be able to provide more insight into who it is suitable for. I haven;'t investigated it further, but if you look into it, I'd love to know more.

Ketotifen is not just an antihistamine, it's a mast cell stabilizer and a very good one at that.

Lot's of reactions cause mast cell release without having to be a typical allergy (IgE). Even MCS and EMF reactions can cause release of histamine from mast cells.


Senior Member
Did a search on Ketotifen and found some rather interesting info on a body building message board of all places! Seems those crazy people are using that drug along with the steroids and other junk they take. Unfortunately the poster did not say what these studies were.

"What Is It?
Ketotifen is very safe antihistamine used extensively in Europe to treat bronchial asthma and allergies. It is also being studied as a treatment for colitis. When used for asthma, weight gain and an increase in appetite are among the most frequent side effects. Ketotifen also protects the cells in the stomach, small intestine and perhaps the rest of the gut from a number of toxins. A number of case studies suggest that it may be helpful treating skin problems such as acne. Ketotifen also reduces edema (swelling and puffiness caused by water retention) around sores.

Ketotifen Studies
German researchers have published data showing that ketotifen lowers tnf-alpha in the test tube. One study used ketotifen in combination with oxymethadone, a steroid like Megace that helps people gain weight, so it is hard to gauge what effect ketotifen had (the study notes a 14% reduction in TNF-alpha levels and weight gains of 11-12 pounds in less than four weeks). A larger placebo controlled study of this combination is underway. The other study used ketotifen by itself in eight patients with elevated TNF-alpha, (but no wasting). Taking ketotifen for 12 weeks, these patients gained an average of six pounds, had increases in their body cell mass and reductions in their TNF-alpha levels. "

I found the part about TNF-alpha levels interesting since some of us are thought to have too much of it. Wish I knew what these studies were though. :(


Senior Member
That's really interesting. Sheds a little more light on why it's useful for healing the gut. I've thought of trying it off and on for a while. It's just one of a zillion ideas buzzing around in my head...


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
That's really interesting. Sheds a little more light on why it's useful for healing the gut. I've thought of trying it off and on for a while. It's just one of a zillion ideas buzzing around in my head...
hixxy, I am interested in this as weight loss is an issue for me, together with histamine problems. Can't get it in Australia that I am aware. Have you got a specific product and source overseas?.


Senior Member
I am currently waiting for a shipment of Iodoquinol from http://mymexicandrugstore.org/ I'll post back here if the shipment arrives and all is in order. They also stock Ketotifen there. The prices there are very reasonable too and they seem to stock a lot of good manufacturers too.

I tried to get Iodoquinol from medsmex and they were a nightmare!!


Senior Member
Rusty, are you sure it isn't available in Australia? We have it here in Canada but it is not in the U.S. It looks like the brand name manufacturer might be Tocris http://www.tocris.com/ Maybe you could email the company and find out where to get it closest to you.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Rusty, are you sure it isn't available in Australia? We have it here in Canada but it is not in the U.S. It looks like the brand name manufacturer might be Tocris http://www.tocris.com/ Maybe you could email the company and find out where to get it closest to you.

Thanks for replying.

I don't think it's here. I have just spent an hour trying to dig up a legitimate local supplier, without success. Some forums mention getting it by script from New Zealand where it is approved, but they don't mention which pharmacy - perhaps any pharmacy.

I may have to order it online without a script, if I could trust the supplier, I suppose.


Senior Member
Found another interesting bit. Searched several databases. In the "Comparative Toxicogenomics Database" I found that the drug has also been linked, I assume because of genes, to have theraputic effects for more problems. Some it lists as being "theraputic" for include: hyperalgesia (increased pain from low levels of stimuli), hypersensitivity, colitis, hayfever http://ctdbase.org/detail.go?type=chem&acc=D007665&view=disease



Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Tocris suppliers in Australia, although they may not have supplies.

Bio-Scientific Pty. Ltd.
P.O. Box 78
Gymea 2227 N.S.W.
Phone:+61 2 9521 2177
Fax:+61 2 9542 3100

Sapphire Bioscience Pty. Ltd.
126 Cope Street
Waterloo NSW 2017
Phone:+61 2 9698 2022
Fax:+61 2 9698 1022

Abacus ALS
PO Box 7183
East Brisbane
QLD 4169
Phone:+61 7 3391 9777
Fax:+61 7 3391 9799


San Francisco
So Ketotifen (fumarate) is OTC in the US and it is an H1-antagonist? never tried H1-antagonists (but aren't those the same as Benadryl and such?), so if I can get it I might give it a try when the bowel acts up. I took H2 antagonists with mixed results a long time ago. And for a short time Proton pump inhibitors with awful results - the H2 blockers def where better but didn't convince me either.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Ketotifen Fumarate is an H1-antihistamine that is available in two versions oral and ophthalmic. In the ophthalmic (for use in the eye) form, it is used to treat conjunctivitis (pink eye), or the itchy red eyes caused by allergies. It is used orally as a medication to aid in the prevention of asthma attacks, and has also been used by many as a sleeping aid and appetite stimulant.

Ketotifen fumurate is sold under the brand name Zaditor. It is also available from many underground labs, typically for use with clenbuterol or sometimes mixed with it.

Ketotifen is an antihistimine that inhibits down regulation of beta receptors, which are often degraded by fat-burners such as Albuterol and Clenbuterol.

It can be used in combination with these other drugs in order to keep feeling their fat-burning effects for longer periods of time with out the need for periods of on and off cycling. Side effects can include drowsiness, irritability, nosebleeds and dry mouth. Ketoifen increases appetite; therefore another side effect is typically weight gain. Ketotifen also (potentially) improves insulin sensitivity within muscle tissue.

Technical Data
Because Ketotifen has the ability to stimulate the appetite, it has been studied for use with wasting conditions. In the most commonly referenced study examining this property, 22 AIDS patients who were administered Ketotifen and Oxymetholone, 18 gained an average of 11.4 pounds after just under 4 weeks (1). Further research proved Ketotifen to be a TNF-alpha blocker. TNF-alpha lowers testosterone and IGF-1 levels immensely (2,3) while strenuous exercise raises TNF-alpha levels (4). TNF-alpha has also been found to inhibit the muscle’s ability to uptake glucose, (which is known as insulin resistance). It has recently been discovered that hypogonadism and low testosterone are also associated with elevated TNF-alpha (5).
This would seem to indicate a potential use for Ketotifen in Post-Cycle Therapy.

User Notes
Ketotifen was first introduced to the bodybuilding world by Dan Duchaine, who proposed its use for upregulation of Beta – Receptors. Several years after his passing I figured out that Benadryl would work for the same purpose, and Ketotifen was largely abandoned for the more commonly available Benadryl.

It is, however, due to the late Karl Hoffman that we owe the use of Ketotifen for reducing TNF-a and for possible use in PCT. He pioneered this idea (though it didn’t really catch on, per se), and it would seem to be very beneficial as an anti-catabolic, though it’s cost would make it prohibitive for use in up-regulating Beta-Receptors.

  1. Smart T. GMHC Treat Issues. 1995 May;9(5):7-8, 12.
  2. Mauduit C, et.al Endocrinology 1998 Jun;139(6):2863-8
  3. Lang CH et.al Growth Horm IGF Res 2001 Aug;11(4):250-60
  4. Pedersen BK et. al. Exerc Immunol Rev 2001;7:18-31
  5. Malkin CJ et.al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jul;89(7):3313-8.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
I am currently waiting for a shipment of Iodoquinol from http://mymexicandrugstore.org/ I'll post back here if the shipment arrives and all is in order. They also stock Ketotifen there. The prices there are very reasonable too and they seem to stock a lot of good manufacturers too.

I tried to get Iodoquinol from medsmex and they were a nightmare!!

This source is very cheap, no info on product. Bit worried about it. Anyone have alternative trusted no script site for ketotifen?