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Help! New hypoglycemia


Senior Member
For three years I have been anorexic, not sickly skinny, just without appetite. Been doing methylation since October 2009. I am MAO-A +/+, MTRR +/+, and MTHFR C677T +/+. Diagnosed with pathogenic Klebsiella and E coli, October 2010, in treatment since and to date.

I am now going through an increase in appetite that is literally through the roof. I can't get enough to eat. And should I not eat every couple of hours, I crash and go into hypoglycemia. Tried 5HTP, but the horrible mood swing that follows is just as intolerable as the hypoglycemia.

With the hypoglycemia, I start to shake, get nauseous, light-headed almost bordering a vertigo type of rxn, and very anxious. WTH is going on with me?



Senior Member
Your reaction sounds pretty typical for hypoglycemia. Keep eating every few hours before you get really hungry.

The question is why now? Have you started any new meds? Have you changed your diet?

Are those two treatments you mentioned the only treatments you're doing? It seems pretty incredible that you would get a reaction years after starting those treatments.


Senior Member
That is the signature of mercury. Hypermetabolism, severe hypoglycemia, tremors, etc. when the little bit of fat tissue you have left is metabolized the lipophilic bad stuff is mobilized. Had all those symptoms & more.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
That is the signature of mercury. Hypermetabolism, severe hypoglycemia, tremors, etc. when the little bit of fat tissue you have left is metabolized the lipophilic bad stuff is mobilized. Had all those symptoms & more.

Vegas it has been a while with no activity on this thread but I'd love to hear more about this Mercury link. I test very high for mercury and have the hypoglycemia. You say "had" in the past tense -- could you share anything about how you may have worked through the mercury and hypoglycemia issues?

Many thanks.


Senior Member
This thread was last year, and so I provide an update. I actually swung the other way and became anorexic without appetite, and currently I am back to normal. I am beginning to see a pattern of detox, I seem to go through it in stages, and I am also experiencing healing in different stages.

I have added or taken out very little in what I have been doing. It takes time to access my response to supplements as well as researching the SNP's and their correlation with any to my own condition. I am tentative at disturbing my status quo too much, as I cannot afford to crash in a large way. Small crashes are acceptable or should I say more manageable.
