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Vit B12 helping with frequent urinations?

For the last 3 days, I took vit B12 5000mcg and I noticed that I don't need to rush to the washroom to urinate too many times during the day. Is this helping with incontinence or frequent urinations. It is like a miracle. I don't know what else I did that could have changed so quickly. What other miracle can I expect?
Better short memory? Better handwriting? better everything. Vit B12 Methylc rules! :thumbsup:

Wait...is this really happening?


Senior Member
Hi LargeRBcells ;

I agree, it is happening; it is hard to believe. I've had urinary urgency and incontinence since my 20's. The Mb12 has repaired it. My memory is greatly improved, and so has my handwriting. I nearly lost the use of my left hand... I'm left-handed. I was a visual artist who had lost visual acuity, cognition, and the ability to keep a steady hand. I have a way to go to regain this ability, but I can see that it's entirely possible now. I'm glad that you are also seeing this great progress!
Hi Crux,

I am sorry to hear you had lost your visual acuity and the ability to keep a steady hand specially as a visual artist it must be hard. But the progress with the B12 is very promising...lets all keep up with this miracle pill. I went to see a doctor for my gut issues and he told me I had stress and my diarhea was due to stress. But no mention of vit B12 even though my results were in the low normals.
Also, 5 years ago, I told my doctor I was feeling like I had developped something like ADD. He asked me many questions on my childhood and guess what I was a very calm heavy reader attentive student who absorbed everything learned. So the doctor ruled out ADD for me. If I didn't have as a child, I couldn't develop it now.
I asked numerous doctors why my handwriting was worst than doctors notes writing.

I just hope that 5000mcg isn't too much for me and that there is no side effects. I had 394 (200-615) on blood tests but this results was maybe masked by my vit complex daily intake. I suspect I had even less when I stopped talking vit B complex all together.


Senior Member
Hi LargeRBcells;

When I examine my past, I can attribute so many of my difficulties to B12 deficiency. I did have attention problems that would interfere with all sorts of projects. Somtimes I could hyper-focus, but then run dry. I had a rough time finishing projects....

It is difficult to find the best daily dosage. Some people test well, while others of us must rely on symptoms. My MCV was increased, and then it decreased with daily supplementation, but I still had to find what works best. I'm back at 10,000 mcg. daily. I've tried less, but then I begin to have neuropathy again. If I increase to 15,000 mcg., I have to increase potassium. So I'm observing this amount for now. I understand that it can seem extreme to take these large amounts, but many of us with nerve injury may need higher doses. The variance for B12 need is very large here. Some people need an homeopathic amount, while others need daily injections.

With the serum numbers for B12, some people prefer to try to keep theirs above 1000. Mine stay above 1200 now. That's the highest the lab measures. So I go by symptoms. I'm not at all concerned that my levels are considered to be high.

The Mb12/Folate stopped my diarrhea problems.
Hi Crux,

I took 10mg/10000mcg today and yesterday. I had more energy today but then I can't sleep tonight...well I have an underlying issue with adrenals and I know if I went to bed I could have slep but I stayed at the computer and not an once sleepy.


Senior Member
Hi LargeRBcells;

Freddd has described this as a start-up effect, whereby one experiences a waking up of nerves. Also, more potassium is being used to make new blood cells,so one can also experience an over stimulated feeling from that.

The way I see it, is that since I've had some nerve damage from B12 deficiency, and that it did show up with large blood cells also, I'm more inclined to take more B12 than less. When I tried less, I had the return of symptoms. I'm between 10 mg.-15mg. daily now. I also supplement with potassium gluconate. Some folks here are trying various amounts of potassium. It's also a good idea to eat a high potassium diet, in my opinion, because it does aid health of the nerves, fluid balance, and more. I've found it to be especially effective for anxiety and insomnia.


Senior Member
Hi, all.

It's good to hear that B12 is helping in so many ways. If you add a reduced form of folate to this, you have the essence of a methylation protocol, and this may help you even more.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Thanks Rich ;

I'm finding this to be true! With the methylation protocol, I'm reducing inflammation of nerves and tissues, and requiring less cortisol replacement. I consider this to be a milestone, because I have not been able to reduce HC in 5 yrs.

I read one of your many informative posts that brought up the association between low ACTH and CFS. I'm an example of this. I'm planning to have ACTH and cortisol checked again upon next Endocrinologist App. to see if there is evidence in the blood serum of this improvement I'm having.

I agree that the Folate is instrumental to healing, and after reading here and trying the methylfolate, I am having success. B12 and Folate are needed together for nerve and tissue health.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
For the last 3 days, I took vit B12 5000mcg and I noticed that I don't need to rush to the washroom to urinate too many times during the day. Is this helping with incontinence or frequent urinations. It is like a miracle. I don't know what else I did that could have changed so quickly. What other miracle can I expect?
Better short memory? Better handwriting? better everything. Vit B12 Methylc rules! :thumbsup:

Wait...is this really happening?

HI LargeRBcells,

Up until May21, 2003, I had a buring bladder and urethrea. I had burning unrinary urgency. I had terrible trouble finding the nerve that would let me release the urine and sometimes it took 45 minutes, burning the whole time. That went away in about 10 days. It was like a miricle. The bladder and urethra are epithelial tissues. These need rapid cell replacement to keep them normal and healthy. As one brand of grade Z films used to proclaim "If this is a good film then it's a miricle."

Just keep in mind that while there are all these tissues you see healing that there are a whole lot more that are not seen while healing. Learn what it feels like to be healing so that you have the scent to follow. Sleep will resolve itself after a while.
Were all of you taking only mB12 to get this effect? Because I started having urinary urgency about age 48 and it went away when I was prescribed high dose Vitamin D at 50. The Vitamin D had a huge change on my urinary ph which is what did the trick for me.


I know both methylation protocols call for Vitamin D (as it regulates one of the methylation genes) so I wondered if you took D as well and that is what did the trick...

Rosebud Dairy

Senior Member
Not sure what you are taking, but you might need to start taking potassium right about.................NOW!!

No, seriously, if you are not taking potassium, you could have a crash in the area of day 3 after mb12, depending upon what other methylation factors you may already be taking.

You may need to take it and titrate up daily quickly to possibly over 1000 mg.


Senior Member
Were all of you taking only mB12 to get this effect? Because I started having urinary urgency about age 48 and it went away when I was prescribed high dose Vitamin D at 50. The Vitamin D had a huge change on my urinary ph which is what did the trick for me.


I know both methylation protocols call for Vitamin D (as it regulates one of the methylation genes) so I wondered if you took D as well and that is what did the trick...

Hi Rydra;

Actually, urinary incontinence is one of the neurological symptoms of B12 deficiency. Over the years, I thought it was from other causes, such as low estrogen,low muscle tone, etc. But the Mb12 nailed it for me.

I've tried vitamin D for other reasons, but it did nothing for my incontinence.