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Parasthesia - "Healing" or folic acid block/paradoxical deficiency?

Rosebud Dairy

Senior Member
Here is some food for thought for the MTHFR philosophers out there.

This patient is going to hyperbaric oxygen therapy for son's ongoing pain post-brain injury, and am joining him in the tank. I posed a question to the supervising hyperbarics physician that maybe the child's pain is ongoing not merely because of the concussion, but perhaps also because of neuropathy. We then tried an increase in pressure from 1.5 ATA to 1.75 ATA (Standard pressure for neuropathy is 2.5 ATA and standard for concussion is 1.5 ATA).

I get out of the tank after two treatments at 1.75, NOT even at the 2.5, and the bottoms of my feet were on FIRE with the strongest tingling sensation I have ever had for 2-5 minutes. The doc says that some parasthesia with hyperbarics is NOT uncommon (and I have never tried the full 2.5 ATA pressure for neuropathy), but I am just now beginning to pass on to him info about MTHFR (of which I have a single C677T). Also , the couple of days before that, I was NOT careful about my intake of dietary folic acid fortified foods, nor was I careful about raw leafy green vegetables........I had had some restaurant pizza, and later some salad.....two items which I don't often allow, much less on the same day. Some numbness and tingling in hands and feet have been noticed since slacking and allowing Folic Acid Fortified Foods into the diet............. I am thinking I am just going to have to leave off fortified foods, so I can test out just foods naturally containing folinic acid.

I had already woken up that morning just having that general run over by a train feeling -- kind of like a hangover, but wasn't a hangover.

The day before I had stopped my low dose of 12.5 mcg of T3 (generic cytomel). Really motivated to stay off the T3 for now, as I want to see if it is something I don't need to be on the rest of my life, as I probably will be on the B12 protocol for my C677T.

All of these things are happening all at once, so I can't split them up so easily.

Anyone have any fortified food folic acid induced parasthesia that one could have previously misinterpreted as "healing?", or could this actually just possibly be some healing going on? Or is this just a huge sign of paradoxical folate deficiency smacking me in the foot, and I don't know it?

I am considering the Methylation Panel by Doctors Lab?


Many thanks to all of you who have gone before!!


Rosebud Dairy

Senior Member
symptom update --

This morning for the first morning in a few days, there was less tingling in my feet when they touched the floor getting out of bed, and I had less brain fog.

I had 2 Douglas Labs multi B vitamins without folic acid the night before, and NO 5-HTP, and had gotten lots of smaller doses of metafolin through the day, and had avoid leafy greens and fortified foods.
symptom update --

This morning for the first morning in a few days, there was less tingling in my feet when they touched the floor getting out of bed, and I had less brain fog.

I had 2 Douglas Labs multi B vitamins without folic acid the night before, and NO 5-HTP, and had gotten lots of smaller doses of metafolin through the day, and had avoid leafy greens and fortified foods.
Hi Rosebud Dairy,
Was the split metafolin dose new for you? When I added a second dose of metafolin to my day, the results were incredible.....completely knocked out neuropathy. I had other gains as well, but the only one that "stuck" was elimination of neuropathy.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
symptom update --

This morning for the first morning in a few days, there was less tingling in my feet when they touched the floor getting out of bed, and I had less brain fog.

I had 2 Douglas Labs multi B vitamins without folic acid the night before, and NO 5-HTP, and had gotten lots of smaller doses of metafolin through the day, and had avoid leafy greens and fortified foods.

Hi Rosebud Dairy,

I've read some interesting arguments against 5-htp, sufficient that I have removed it from our supplements for the time being with almost two bottles remaining. Good to here on the brainfog. The tingling is indeterminant until you see whether it improves of goes numb over time. Getting oxygen to the nerves can help helaing.

Rosebud Dairy

Senior Member
I think splitting my metalfolin was fairly new, but I really am just now catching on to Folic Acid Exclusion as a possible helper, and really really being more careful about it.

I had a prescription for a 15 mg once a day dose of metafolin, but this just gives me so much less control over using it a pre-load for a possible Folic/folinic heavy meal.

For now, I am trying to stick to what I remember of the SCD Stage 1 without trying folic/folinic meals.

I had tried the 5-HTP for sleep, as I have had some really vivid and horrific nightmares that stick with me for months. So, I really just want to sleep without the possibility of that. I am still trying to help my child's head injury pain, and trying to find safe stuff for his sleep.

I think I have half a bottle left of 5-HTP, and it just went to the bottom of the drawer!! Just gonna stick with some time release melatonin, some immediate release melatonin, and maybe some sleep herbs.

I think I need to try some P5P next then Ubiquinol and R-ALA are in line for trying, but not for the sleep.

Woke again this morning without the tingling when my feet first touched the floor. was careful about diet yesterday, and careful with metafolin. Smaller doses of metafolin throughout the day seem to do well for me. I still have a neuropathic spot on the front of my left calf, but not on the right. Just feels warm mostly and a bit tingly, less today than yesterday.