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Solgar Metafolin Tummy Woes


Senior Member
Has anyone else had GI problems with Solgars Metafolin?

I am certain the problem has to be the small amount of Mannitol that is in the product.

I remembered when I ate foods with Mannitol years ago, they gave me massive GI distress (ya know what I'm talking about :D)

I didn't think that the tiny amount that was in this product could possibly cause a problem, but every time I take it within an hour I start to get "GI Rumblings" and bad things stirring up inside there.

I hate to have to switch to Metagenics because it is so much more expensive and the pill hard to divide. I wish they could eliminate the Mannitol from their product. I guess I am ultra sensitive to it.

ETA I think Thorne Research also makes a metafolin product but it is in capsules so hard to control the dose.


Senior Member
I haven't had that product, but I do have experience with sugar alcohols, and it's mostly very bad. They say "excess consumption" can cause a laxative effect, but the reality for me was that even minimal consumption caused digestive problems. It also looks like there's fructose in it (I think?), which might be causing some problems.


Senior Member
Has anyone else had GI problems with Solgars Metafolin?

I am certain the problem has to be the small amount of Mannitol that is in the product.

I remembered when I ate foods with Mannitol years ago, they gave me massive GI distress (ya know what I'm talking about :D)

I didn't think that the tiny amount that was in this product could possibly cause a problem, but every time I take it within an hour I start to get "GI Rumblings" and bad things stirring up inside there.

I hate to have to switch to Metagenics because it is so much more expensive and the pill hard to divide. I wish they could eliminate the Mannitol from their product. I guess I am ultra sensitive to it.

ETA I think Thorne Research also makes a metafolin product but it is in capsules so hard to control the dose.

Hi, Moon.

Maybe MethylMate B would work for you:


It doesn't contain mannitol, but does have some trehalose.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Scotland, UK
Maybe you could try placing the Metafolin under your lip so that it's absorbed through your gums. Although some of it might still get into your saliva and then swallowed. I think it's worth a try though.


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio
Hi, Moon.

Maybe MethylMate B would work for you:


It doesn't contain mannitol, but does have some trehalose.

Best regards,


I agree. I switched to the Methylmate B ( and Hydroxo B12) because the Metafolin was causing some pretty severe digestive upset. I have not had the same problems using the Methylmate B drops. Also you can lower the dose easier with the drops, as 3 drops = 210 mcg, or about 1/4 tablet of Metafolin. I started with just one drop per day to see if I was going to tolerate it, and so far so good. I will probably go up to the full 3 drops this week or next.


Senior Member
Does anyone know if there's a methyl folate without the citric acid (or mannitol and other sweetners) in it?




Senior Member
Metagenics Folapro? I use it sublingually.

Folate (as L-5-methyl tetrahydrofolate)
As Metafolin U.S. Patent Nos. 5,997,915; 6,254,904

Other Ingredients:

Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid, and silica.

Does anyone know if there's a methyl folate without the citric acid (or mannitol and other sweetners) in it?




Senior Member
Hey Dan :)

I'm doing pretty well. After some experimenting I've settled into taking fairly modest doses of 5mthf and folinic, 400mcg total per day, and 1000mcg each of hydroxy and methylB12. So I'm not pushing it by any means. :)
I am dealing with detox and occasional inflammation, but underneath it feels like things are improving - ie better stamina and improved sleep.
Most notably I seem to have completely avoided my typical Autumn crash! I'm pretty happy about that.

Are you thinking of taking the plunge again Dan?
I know it's terrifying to think you might get worse before you'll make any improvement. Its not like we have a lot of extra energy to gamble! (Understatement!)


Thanks Anne!

How are you doing, methylation-wise? :)


Senior Member
Thanks, I'll try doing the sublingual route with the Methyfolate first. I don't know why they have to add Mannitol- who cares if it is sweet if you are just going to swallow it. But lots of supplements seems to contain them. Even MethylB12 I think contains Xylitol which in itself can cause GI upset in the very sensitive.


Senior Member
Hey Dan :)

I'm doing pretty well. After some experimenting I've settled into taking fairly modest doses of 5mthf and folinic, 400mcg total per day, and 1000mcg each of hydroxy and methylB12. So I'm not pushing it by any means. :)
I am dealing with detox and occasional inflammation, but underneath it feels like things are improving - ie better stamina and improved sleep.
Most notably I seem to have completely avoided my typical Autumn crash! I'm pretty happy about that.

Are you thinking of taking the plunge again Dan?
I know it's terrifying to think you might get worse before you'll make any improvement. Its not like we have a lot of extra energy to gamble! (Understatement!)


I've been trying small doses of both b12's -- but started getting gum and tooth sensitivity -- so now am kind of stuck. Haven't tried the rectal method yet!

I'm sure I need it -- my neuropathy, anxiety, etc., is all worse in general -- but I found a file folder from a doc I consulted with back in 2003, and receipts for b12 shots, and nebulized glutathione. I had my "best" year or year and a half after that period (I did the shots for about 4 months), so that is kind of reassuring. I found the doc, and have emailed him about the shots again...hopefully will hear from him soon. He's no longer in Seattle... moved several states away......

Really glad to hear you're doing well Anne!