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have sleep study next month should i do or not?


Senior Member
my DO thinks I should do a sleep study. I finally scheduled it but I am having doubts that I should try it. I have severe insomnia for years and the last 3 or so it has become ridiculous. I don't have any sleep apnea signs, of course I could be missing something.
when I called to make the appointment I told her I had insomnia and she told me I needed to sleep for 4-5 hours to get a read. I don't sleep more then an hour at a time. I am also sooooooooo sensitive to anything touching me. pain is my worst symptom next to the insomnia can't stand a tag on a shirt so can't imagine having "things" touching me and sleeping.
wondering for those who have been there done that if you think given my limitations that I will get any information out of it worthwhile, thanks for your thoughts!


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I had one done 10 years ago and am currently considering another on the recommendation of my neurologist, to the point I went to the initial consultation recently.

My recollection from thr first time is that there were several electrodes attached to me, making it challenging to sleep, or to shift positions, or get up to go to the bathroom during the night.

We are trying to figure out about the quality of my sleep, my activity monitor says I'm getting virtually no deep sleep, which may be contributing to my situation, though im not sure the sleep study would tell me what I can do about it.

At the consult, the doctor of course discussed sleep apnea, though I previously didn't have it, he discussed structural problems with my mouth and airway, as well as possibly deciding I might need modanafil to stay awake duting the day if I need it, which I'm.not sure is the best idea.

Quote honestly, I've gotten a vast amount of improvement from dealing with the biochemistry of sleep, by getting my hormones managed - progesterone helped a lot, and by taking amino acids, like citrulline and ornithine, as well as B6 and magnesium. I fall asleep pretty easily and stay asleep with these interventions. A sleep study wouldn't be helpful to figure this out, but hormone trsting and nutritional testing would.

In another post, you'd mentioned compressed nerves. As someone who's had neck injuries, I guess I'd be asking the doctor if the sleep study would show anything that jad to do with the structure of the neck, or whether an image of some sort would be more useful to you.


I don't sleep more then an hour at a time
Definitely have one, BUT they focus on sleep apnea which your comment points to stage 4 issues (common on cfs) so make sure that the medicine they give you is stage 4 inducer (to stay sleep) + sleep initiators (to fall sleep). And before the study you need to ask specifically to pay attention to the sleep stages.


Senior Member
GREAT information! thank you I watched a Utube video on all the hook ups ekkeee

she said that they don't want you to take anything for sleep but if you don't sleep 5 hours you need to get a doctor to prescribe something for that? I also don't think that I would get 5 hours even with sleep medication . I am also on pain medication so have to be mindful what I mix it with.

sounds like the sleep center where you were at they took care of medication.

I don't do well with sleep medications. ambien was the only thing I ever tolerated but still didn't mean I slept much with it and klonopin to help fall asleep but that doesn't keep asleep for any length of time mostly keeps my brain from thinking why we elected trump and if we will survive global warming for endless hours :)

forcing me to sleep with drugs means that they don't really get to see what is happening…..right? I also wonder if my brain is "screwed up" or the fact that having this illness might change what sleep meds do up stream or down stream that would be different for "healthy" people with sleep problems and might obscure observation they would make as well. not sure if I am making sense with this...

wonder how many people aren't diagnosed with sleep apnea......medically jaded I guess my DO said its big business
I should have also asked if anyone just did the sleep test at home where you are mostly testing for sleep apnea and how that went for them?.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
Seriously, you might want to look into a hormone and/or a nutrient test to help your sleep biochemistry. At least an amino acid panel - being short of GABA, theanine, citrulline, and ornithine could make a difference. Or progersterone, magnesium or B6. It has made a big difference for me sleeping through the night.

The doc said when insurance forced the home sleep test all they could test for was sleep apnea.


Senior Member
went to my doc today and she said that she wants me to do the test even if I don't sleep, " it will still give us information". what can they tell when I am awake. she didn't really have an answer for that just that I should take the test. I just don't want to go through the hell if its not really worth it, I also could use the extra 250.00 to go towards other tests.
I have had hormone, neurotransmitter tests done years ago when I was still working, since then I have gone from perimenopause to menopause so I am sure those have changed. I am on hormones which might need to be tweaked but probably nothing is off enough to keep me from sleeping. cortisol levels would be good to test but honestly, I have done or am on everything that everyone here has suggested in regard's to vitamins and herbs and it has not helped. ( well that's a lie haven't tried citruiline never heard of that)
for example. I take magnesium, I tried doing it with the spray as well, Epson baths before bed and even magnesium shots. I ve taken several forms foods high in it. I try to give it each thing a serious go and time
I am really glad that folks have found the right cocktail of things that have helped, don't know why nothing has made any difference for me or has either messed with me and really appreciate the help so hope I don't sound irritated just frustrated and a little bananas from sleep depravation . I can see how they use this as torture.


Senior Member
dear learner, I am sorry seems I have offend you that wasn't my intent. I know there is lots of good research showing how important nutrients are and lots of people are helped by what you have suggested,
its just that I have tried them. just like every person under the sun tells me to take turmeric for my pain and inflammation .it hasn't helped but I take and keep taking it.
I have been on bi-identical hormone's, progesterone, estrogen, pregnealone, and testosterone for over 10 years, now I am just on progesterone 200mg at night and estradiol in the am I took gaba for a year, l tyrosine, b-complex. b 12 b 12 shots, b6 , melatonin, L tryptophan, L theanine, lithium orotate, every herbal complex you can imagine, and homeopathic's. all which I gave a good long shot or tried over or tried in different combos with out it helping my sleep, some things I continue like the b complexes and magnesium for nerve health. again sorry.