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Heavy Brain fog and energy fluctuation - history of depression and anxiety


Senior Member
sorry Gond. That was not against you...I just mean: you are no doctor or functional medicine practitioner. I appreciate your help. For me it seems, that I have really big problems and I tried many things out which were suggested in this thread. I know that you try to help me and you advise me things which helped you. But our conditions are very different and you did not solve your condition yet. And I have no more energy to try things. I need help. I need someone who does the work I must do on my own: doing research and trying things out.

My SIBO went away through the ketogenic diet and intermittend fasting over 4 months. I took about 1 month until i noticed that I can tolerate some Carb from veggies without symptoms again.

I don´t know if the SIBO is back. It really looks like as if all the brain fog came/comes from the magnesium(per)oxide...BEcause it´s getting less although I ate again today.

Why do I get so anxious from such tiny amounts of methyl-b´s, even when combined with niacine?

My homocysteine is too high. Normally everybody would say, that I need methyfolate, B6 and B12. And I become anxious from it. Had anxiety attack after the last two meals (not because of thinking about the meals or the meals themselves). It is just a rare symptom which I know from the beginning of the ketogenic diet. I often had anxiety immediately after meals then. This faded away over time when I limited the amount of meat to max. 200g. I can handle inactive b6 without symptoms. I guess it comes from one or the or both methylated b vitamins.

What does that mean for me when I do not tolerate even such small amounts?

How should I address BHMT?! I guess with supplements. But I get allergic reaction to most synthetic and now more more natural substances....Anybody any idea how to address bhmt?

I just called my mother because I think about killing myself too much the last 2 days because I do not want the depression/brain fog and anxiety back. I had it over 2 years and I got rid of it. If it comes back, I don´t see anything I can to to fight it.

I never heard of anybody with these intolerances (either IBD or allergic symptoms from food) recovering. I read of people recovering, but these were all people who tried things like supplements or diet changes, also relaxation.

I tried everything out what about that...Now that I have these feelings again, I have no idea how I stayed alive 3 years ago.

The human being must get used to every crap state of being. That´s abnormal...


Senior Member
@Gondwanaland :

What is sodium bicarbonate? Is it the same as baking soda? Do I have to take a bath in it? Did you experience any relieve fast or on the long term? How does it work?

I tried magnesium transdermal and baths but I never felt anything of it. Then I became sceptic about these things...


Senior Member
According to caledonia's SNPs Interpretation guide, Sunflower Lecithin is recommended. If it is allowed in Germany, I think vitamin B15 would also help. Choline should also be good.

Yes, sodium bicarbonate and baking soda are the same. It helped me to neutralize both excess ammonia and high uric acid. First try a foot bath with only 1/2 or maximum 1 table spoon of bicarb in it. If you have bad gut bugs, especially candida overgrowth, both magnesium and sodium bicarb can make you worse.


Senior Member
Can't you see a good homeopath where you live? In the thread about Resistant Starch there is mention to homeopathy helping to heal the gut.


Senior Member
I tried both: sulfate and chloride. Didn´t notice anything. It is mostly advised to treat anxiety.It is so hard for me too believe that you get these symptoms from the foot bath. How should this be possible?

I mean:
If you get this from the food bath, why don´t you get it from the oral intake?

Is your first post regarding the BHMT mutations? -->sunflower lecithin, choline? Is caledonia a health care professional/functional medicine dr.? I never heard of that protocol. I just know Dr. Lynch and Amy.

That is interesting!
Can you tell me what your uric acid levels were before and after you did the baths? Did you change anything else during that time or was it 100% due to the baths in sodium bicarbonate?

Is there any research done in this area showing that sodium bicarbonate can have an effect on the body?
I tried a very good homeopath. I tried his therapy (1800 Euro) over 8 months. It didn´t do anything.

After that I did some research and I have to say, that I do not believe in homeopathy anymore. I think the people who get relieve are benefiting from the placebo effect and from the relationship with the doctor.

There is so many research done with homeopathy showing no effect (compared to placebo), that it is hard to believe for me. And with this disbelieve, healing with placebo is difficult...


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon

How about another one straight from left field? -- Here's a post I did about a year ago that describes some of the history coffee enemas as well as my own experiences from doing them. A number of references to depression.
Christopher, sorry to hear you're going through such difficult times. All those toxic, sluggish, depressed, miserable, suicidal feelings can be very hard on the psyche, and I would be surprised if there's even a single person on this forum who hasn't experienced it.

Whenever my body feels this way, I almost always get relief by taking a coffee enema. I realize most people would prefer not to think about doing them, believing they're just a bit too bizarre. But they have the ability to increase glutathione levels as much as 7-fold within a matter of minutes, and can cause significant alleviation of depression.

I can at times pinpoint the exact moment when doing a coffee enema (usually around the 10-15 minute mark) when I was able to lift myself (and psyche) out of a the deep fog of depression/anxiety, etc.. For me, I don't believe I have anything that would come close to being classified as clinical depression; I believe instead that my body becomes depressed from so much toxicity floating around my system which is unable to be disposed of efficiently.

Interestingly, coffee enemas to treat depression was the topic of a 1922 New England Journal of Medicine article. CEs had just been discovered a few years earlier during World War I when the Germans discovered they had a remarkable ability to reduce the pain of wounded soldiers. Their medical conditions necessitated regular enemas, and on a whim, one nurse suggested putting coffee in them to see what might happen. They noticed the soldier generally got significant pain relief for up to several hours.

I considered the whole notion of coffee enemas for several years before I finally came to believe I needed to thoroughly explore what they might do for me. I really don't know how my body and psyche could have survived these past few years had I not had them in my arsenal of effective treatements for myself. --- Caveat, they work really well for me, but they may not work as well for others, especially if raising glutathione too rapidly can be too much for some people.

If you're interested, HERE's A LINK to that NEJM article. Just a couple paragraphs should give you the gist of it. --- Good luck with your current situation. When things like that happen to me, I tend to quit most everything I'm doing to sort of regroup and get to some sort of baseline situation. --- Take care!
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Senior Member
If you get this from the food bath, why don´t you get it from the oral intake?
I never took magnesium sulfate orally, but I used more in the foot bath than I would have used orally.
When you take orally it goes through digestion and elimination, when you do foot bath it goes directly into blood circulation.
Is your first post regarding the BHMT mutations? -->sunflower lecithin, choline?
Is caledonia a health care professional/functional medicine dr.? I never heard of that protocol. I just know Dr. Lynch and Amy.
She summarized the info from Lynch, Yasko and lab reports. There are references in her guide.
Can you tell me what your uric acid levels were before and after you did the baths? Did you change anything else during that time or was it 100% due to the baths in sodium bicarbonate?
My lastest uric acid result was from 6 months before the bicarb baths and high dose MgO: 5.8 (range 2,4 - 5,7 mg/dL)
At that time I was having gout-like pain. Then after the protocol the blood result was 5. I assume it went higher before the protocol. I wasn't tolerating other supplements at that time, so I am sure it was MgO and bicarb working against excess acidity.
Is there any research done in this area showing that sodium bicarbonate can have an effect on the body?
It is just basic chemistry and biochemistry


Senior Member
@Gondwanaland : I meant: Why should magnesium cause anxiety even if it goes straight into your blood?
5.8->5.0. I am sorry but this is really not significant. These are natural fluctuations. My levels ranged from 4-6 by eating the same diet all the time in 2 months (was done during my renal examination). Maybe there were other mechanisms that made you feel better with the baths?!

Thank you for the information. I will try that sodium b. out!

@Wayne :
Thank you!
7x higher Gluthathione? That would be great. Never heard of that! Just know NAC and Gluthathione Injection and some furth er antioxidants which I all cannot tolerate. (did not try injections yet).

Can you tell me where you get the information from the 7x higher Gluthathione?

And: Do you still do such enemas? I would not have any problem to do that, but I think after my FMT it would be self destroying to do as I heard, that it can destroy the microbiome (no sure reference for this, someone on fmt forum wrote that).


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Can you tell me where you get the information from the 7x higher Gluthathione?

Hi @Santino, I've seen the 700% figure several times, but I don't know that was arrived at. I do think many things on the internet that are stated over and over again do not always end up being true. So this 700% figure might be one of them. Whether it's accurate or not, I think it's been proven pretty conclusively that glutathione levels are raised substantially, with the exact amount probably depending on the strength of the coffee and other available amino acids.

That said, HERE'S A LINK to an article that uses the 700% figure, and lists other benefits of CEs. I personally think coffee enemas would in most cases be very beneficial to pwCFS and/or Lyme, especially when they undertake anti-viral and/or anti-bacterial regimens. Pathogen dieoff can become very intense, and CEs are able to almost miraculously greatly relieve these loads of toxicity very quickly.
I do CEs 1x-2x/day. I've experimented with frequency extensively over the years, and have found this works best--for me. They significantly improve the quality of my life and overall functionality. I've also experimented with the strength of the coffee. I've seen recommendations from the strength of 1-4 cups of coffee equivalent. 1-2 cups works best for me--on the lower end of that scale. If you do decide to try them, be prepared to hear some of the loudest gurgling sounds you've ever heard from your liver/gb area. They can create quite a symphony when they begin to open up and drain after being clogged for many years.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Just to mention, there's tons of information on CEs online with lots of descriptions on how to do them. I've found most of the directions to be rather cumbersome, and have over the years found ways that are much easier, such as laying on a bed instead of the bathtub or floor. I also prepare a coffee concentrate ahead of time, and have it all ready to heat up on a hot plate in my bedroom. It only takes me a few short minutes from the time I wake up in the morning to laying on my bed doing energetic balancing exercises while I comfortably hold the coffee solution.


Senior Member
I dont know if I was exposed to mold. I dont think so. But I felt tired from normal coffee. When drinking Dave aspreys coffee I felt great. His coffee is mold toxin free.

So maybe I am sensitive to mold, too. Dont know.

What I do know is that I had anxiety attacks whole night and I know why: I reacted to pure b complex plus. There is also vitamin c as ascorbyl palmitate in it. I got flu and shives this night. Now the anxiety is all gone and the flu symptoms dominate. Exactly the same was with liver.

I don't know what to do to address Methylation. Does anybody know a product with pure methyfolate without any additives?

I ask myself if coffee enenas could destroy a healthy microbiome? Mine is not healthy now but I will get FMT. Maybe after treatment it would not be good.

Also: which coffee to use? Cheap coffee is full of mycotoxins. Good coffee is really too expensive to put it into any ass;-)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Also: which coffee to use?

Organic coffee only. — I would urge you to NOT compromise on this. My first CE was with non-organic coffee, and it was a terrible experience--one that I would put in the toxic shock category. All my CEs using organic coffee leave me with a relaxed and refreshed feeling.

For a bit of perspective, I consider CEs, in conjunction with energetic exercises, to be the most important "crisis intervention" method(s) I've discovered. It took me decades to come up with this combination, and am only suggesting it may be helpful for others. The third part of this "program" involves a spiritual aspect, which I feel can be adapted to anyone's particular religious or spiritual orientation.

Despite all the benefits from this program, I still experience a lot (hours) of distress and discombobulation on a daily basis. But I also enjoy hours of FAR less distress and periods of calm--which I would describe as an oasis of tranquility, peace and quiet. My periods of feeling best are almost always in the immediate hours after doing a CE, and I then gradually find myself feeling more and more toxic and nauseous as the hours go by.

I feel grateful every day for having made these discoveries, as they have dramatically improved my quality of life. I struggled for years trying to figure out how to better control some of my painful neurological symptoms, instead of having them be in control of me. I've gone from feeling terribly adrift and vulnerable to feeling a far greater degree of control over this disease. — CEs have been instrumental in saving the lives of many cancer patients. They've been instrumental for me in many ways, including helping preserve my sanity.
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Senior Member
But this cost a lot of money if you use such coffee doesn´t it?

It seems like my histamine intolerance is back really heavy. Just ate ONE eggwhite because I did not have any chicken here. Having typical symptoms of dizzyness and some "excitatory action"--> Fast twitching between anxiety and depression.

It seems like I slowly get the "old" one like I was in the summer. The ketogenic diet reversed so many symptoms for me. I was less intolerant to histamine in the end phase of the diet, also less intolrant too fodmpas (little) and I could eat raw carrots and cooked brokoli without problems. Now that I have to eat rice and chicken, I get more and more of all these symptoms back (dizzyness, brain fog and especially depression).

I feel again like I don´t have control and after I had back little life quality and control with the ketogenic diet, I don´t want this life anymore. I really do not want it and it really does not make any sense to me why a human should feel like this and can´t do anything about it. And I can´t tell anybody what is happening. I would be the oversensitive crazy person who is just crazy and it´s all in his head...I don´t think that they can help me in the clinic I will go to...(it is traditional western medicine).

They will look what medicine they can give me to suppress these flu like symptoms making me even sicker long term I bet. But I have to go to the clinic. Otherwise I would eat chicken an rice my whole life and still feel little sick.

I can´t say it often enough: On the ketogenic diet: ALL THE SYMPTOMS I SUFFERED THE MOST OF:

- depression (+)
- anxiety (+)
- anger/irritability (+)
- brain fog
- feeling like I don´t have control because I had no chance to avoid symptoms

were either gone or these with the (+) were much better! Most important: I had control back and was optimistic and hopeful to reverse sickness step by step.

Now I notice that I am thinking about suicide regularly. I won´t do that, nobody has to worry at this moment. I would then talk to my family and ask them to let me go. But if there was not my family who would suffer from my death, I think I already would be much further in plans of suicide. I then would make a list of things which I would try, which are a bit risky like LDN, 2 week fasting and things like that and if they would not work I then would pass away so that the suffering stops...

I can still avoid the worst suffering (which are the psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression) by eating just rice and chicken, but nobody knows how I can do that and I don´t know what happens a body when eating rice and this chicken crap from out the supermarket. I hate to eat that, but I must. In rice there is nothing. It´s just empty energy without (m)any nutrients...


Senior Member
It´s incredible how one eggwhite can give me this disgusting mixed state between anxiety, anger and irritability.

I also ask myself how fast an histamine-reaction really can occur. I mean: I already noticed the reaction while I was still eating. Isn´t this impossible as it is still in the stomach and not in the small intestine?! Or gets histamine or something else already earlier into the blood stream?!

It cant´t be just from the "eating" itself as a process because then i would have it with every meal. But I did not, also yesterday not. There is only the eggwhite as a variable. The egg is lying refridgerated for 2 weeks there. Is minimum durability time is 15.03.2015. I ate the same eggs 1,5 weeks ago, 3 within one day without these symptoms...

Seems impossible for me...Maybe I am more sensitive to histamine again because of the methylfolate and methylcobalamin which I took once?

How do you deal wiith your diseases?

Are your friends accepting your way of thinking about it? My family also feels helpless and they think I should go to the doctor and do what they say, whatever this might be...:-/