Yes quite a few are not doing treatments, and you have been explained quite well why on the other thread. Most doctors would say, you dont have this virus, despite your result, they would say your positive result is WRONG, and the test is flawed. Again untill we know more. Not a time to panic. i have been tested positive by both WPI, and The NCI in a UK study. testing positive 3 out of the 4 methods used. almost as conclusive as one could think of. Yet i still dont know if i am. Crazy as it sounds. JM is confident that i am. But i lead a fairly normal life. after having a bad time. early on in the illness ( ME CFS ) so people can go into remission, and partly recover. The muscle fatigue and bone fatigue. Is something i cant seem to recover well from. And its very unpredictable. i can do well for months, then start to get mild symptoms more frequent again. But compared to the past. which was like a living death. i am much better. I am a sign of hope for you, and possibly everyone. well that is, untill something goes wrong again. Which i feel is always just around the corner. But i pray not.