XMRV page University of Missouri


Senior Member
This page popped up in Google today. It was revised 11 jan. 2012.

XMRV biology and pathogenesis:
Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) is a recently identified gammaretrovirus that is associated with human prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. The genome structure and sequence of XMRV is very similar to other simple retroviruses found in murine and other species, and there is no identifiable oncogenes derived from the host. XMRV entry into the host cells is mediated by receptor, Xpr1, which is also shared by xenotropic and polytropic murine leukemia viruses. While the discovery of XMRV is exciting as it represents a new genuine human retrovirus, there are many questions open and to be answered. Current work in our lab focuses on the tissue tropisms of XMRV and possible mechanisms of pathogenesis, in particular its potential roles in prostate cancer and other human diseases. We are also interested in the fusion and entry pathways of XMRV, elucidation of which will have important implications for anti-XMRV therapy.

(click on "research" to see the text).

Text could be older of course...