Xanax Improves Energy?

Hi guys,

First time posting here. I've had CFS for 3 years with occasional anxiety attacks. When I began taking Xanax (just for severe anxiety episodes, every two weeks or so) about 6 months ago, I noticed that while I would have a harder time sleeping than usual for about three nights after taking it (though not immediately after I took the Xanax, when I would usually want to/be able to sleep), my energy during these few days would actually be higher than normal.

Only now is it occurring to me that daily or semi-daily doses of Xanax might be a useful treatment option, but I'd love your input. Have you experienced improved energy after taking Xanax? Do you think daily or semi-daily use of Xanax for energy would be a good idea?

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Several years ago a Dr. Forrester(sp?) who was then treating CFS patients noticed that his patients had a 'paradoxical' reaction to Xanax. Since then Dr. Cheney has theorized that CFS patients have an upregulated autonomic nervous system, which sort of wears us out 'spinning its wheels'.

When I began taking it, I found that I wore out less quickly. I personally find it better to take the Xanax (generic) on a regular basis and keep my ANS stabilized rather than wait until I feel exhausted and 'edgy' to take it. I, obviously, get along quit well with Xanax. Not everyone does.
Several years ago a Dr. Forrester(sp?) who was then treating CFS patients noticed that his patients had a 'paradoxical' reaction to Xanax. Since then Dr. Cheney has theorized that CFS patients have an upregulated autonomic nervous system, which sort of wears us out 'spinning its wheels'.

When I began taking it, I found that I wore out less quickly. I personally find it better to take the Xanax (generic) on a regular basis and keep my ANS stabilized rather than wait until I feel exhausted and 'edgy' to take it. I, obviously, get along quit well with Xanax. Not everyone does.

Hello Bluestem,

I just saw your post! Thanks for replying. May I ask how much Xanax you take, and how frequently? At the moment I just take .5 mg every 10 days or so (when I really freak out).

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I take .25 mg five times/day. I take three doses spaced through the day, one about an hour before bedtime, and one at bedtime.


Senior Member
I noticed this paradoxical response to temazepam years ago. I also had the same reaction on low doses of klonopin. Turns out that I have a mast cell disorder and benzodiazepines like xanax, temazepam, and klonopin are mast cell stabilizers. Just another angle to consider. :)


Senior Member
Same here but with clonazepam during the day. I started taking it before I got sick for RLS. Supposedly, it is the best for this class of medications, as it calms the nervous system more efficiently. I also take it at night but it helps me get to sleep quicker as I have delayed sleep onset. We are all different how we react to meds but this has been my experience.

Good luck.