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Worth going out of state?


I am new to the CFS community, as I just received my diagnosis this year. I have read through many posts on this site and noticed that a lot of you have traveled for your care. How does that work exactly? Do you travel to see them consistently, or was that just for the initial diagnosis?

I am in need of a new specialist, as I do not like the one who gave me my initial diagnosis. I have found some reputable people out of state but my parents think I should stick to someone nearby.

I am wondering what you guys think and how your experience has been with traveling to receive care versus finding someone more local? How often do you usually need to see your CFS specialist? Do you rely more on your pcp?



Senior Member
Midwest usa

I am new to the CFS community, as I just received my diagnosis this year. I have read through many posts on this site and noticed that a lot of you have traveled for your care. How does that work exactly? Do you travel to see them consistently, or was that just for the initial diagnosis?

I am in need of a new specialist, as I do not like the one who gave me my initial diagnosis. I have found some reputable people out of state but my parents think I should stick to someone nearby.

I am wondering what you guys think and how your experience has been with traveling to receive care versus finding someone more local? How often do you usually need to see your CFS specialist? Do you rely more on your pcp?

My pcp is great, but not for my pain and cfs stuff...I found a wonderful doc who worked with complicated patients like me, but he was 3.5 hours away....I had to see him once a month so we had to do visits in 2 days... Drive close by and spend the night at hotel and see doctor the next a.m. and then drive home and then be useless for several days...better than many other specialists I had seen! Good luck!I hope you find the help you need!