I don't want to go rushing to the drs but i keep thinking what if i don't this time and it is something bad. I don't know if it's linked but i had campylobator food poisoning a couple of months ago (no vomiting but awful diarrhea) i had to have a week of antibiotics and the toilet symptoms got better. Ever since i have had an upper left back ache that hasn't gone away just some days it's worse than others . It can sometimes feel in the front at the same height. I had my bloods done when i had the food poisoning and my liver function test was high so i had to get it redone and then it was ok again so they said it must have been high with the food poisoning. I saw an osteopath last week and she said my left side felt stiff and locked and tried to release it. Since then the pain is still there in my back and now my left arm is sore every day. I keep thinking it's my boob, lung, heart etc. I know if i go to the Drs all the tests will start again and it will be more worry and stress but then i am thinking if it is something bad it needs sorted. Sick of always thinking everything is c but i know if these pains don't go i will not settle until i go to the drs. I have tried ibruprofen, tiger balm, paracetamol and nothing eases the pain. Any advice please?