

Senior Member
I don't want to go rushing to the drs but i keep thinking what if i don't this time and it is something bad. I don't know if it's linked but i had campylobator food poisoning a couple of months ago (no vomiting but awful diarrhea) i had to have a week of antibiotics and the toilet symptoms got better. Ever since i have had an upper left back ache that hasn't gone away just some days it's worse than others . It can sometimes feel in the front at the same height. I had my bloods done when i had the food poisoning and my liver function test was high so i had to get it redone and then it was ok again so they said it must have been high with the food poisoning. I saw an osteopath last week and she said my left side felt stiff and locked and tried to release it. Since then the pain is still there in my back and now my left arm is sore every day. I keep thinking it's my boob, lung, heart etc. I know if i go to the Drs all the tests will start again and it will be more worry and stress but then i am thinking if it is something bad it needs sorted. Sick of always thinking everything is c but i know if these pains don't go i will not settle until i go to the drs. I have tried ibruprofen, tiger balm, paracetamol and nothing eases the pain. Any advice please?


Senior Member
Sorry you're having such a hard time. It seems to me from what you've said that you need to go to the doctor, even if only to get reassurance if it turns out to be muscle/nerve related and likely to ease off with time. Much better to find out than worrying endlessly. Best wishes.


Senior Member
I have tried ibruprofen, tiger balm, paracetamol and nothing eases the pain. Any advice please?

You could try Benzydaminehydrochloride cream together with paraceamol when it flares. When it is bad you might have te smear often.


Senior Member
Any chance it might be your gall bladder? I had upper back - middle of the back pain... which got really bad. Eventually with chiro treatment it became a wax and wane kind of thing. I didn't realize it was getting triggered by diet because my diet hadn't changed. It took 11 ER trips before one of the ER doctors asked me what my last gall bladder scan said... and the fact I hadn't had one meant a good year of pain that I wouldn't have had to go through.


Senior Member
No gallbladder had it out 18 months ago.
Did you have referred pain in the same place? My pain stopped immediately after my gall bladder surgery. But came back again... acupuncture helped... (they claim that it was the same issue and the body didn't know the gall bladder wasn't there... which is a bit more woo-woo than I could deal with, but the pain did go away with treatment).

Just in case.


Senior Member
Any chance it might be your gall bladder? I had upper back - middle of the back pain... which got really bad. Eventually with chiro treatment it became a wax and wane kind of thing. I didn't realize it was getting triggered by diet because my diet hadn't changed. It took 11 ER trips before one of the ER doctors asked me what my last gall bladder scan said... and the fact I hadn't had one meant a good year of pain that I wouldn't have had to go through.[/QUO


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Texas Hill Country
@Fuzzyhead - my chiropractor who does muscle testing has been able to help me several times when the doctors were clueless. e.g., several years ago I had dull pain in my lower right abdomen and also felt fluish/sick with the pain. Went to see my regular MD who did a barium enema (not fun!) and found nothing. Went to my chiropractor who did muscle testing and he immediately picked up that my ileocecal valve was getting stuck open, which was causing s**t to literally back up into my body, which was making me sick. He was able to press gently on the area, getting it to close, eventually I learned to do it myself. I was undergoing severe stress at the time and once the stress was resolved, the problem went away.

Anyways, it generally doesn't cost that much to see a chiropractor and they may be able to pick up rather quickly what's going on - or not - but I think it's definitely worth a try. If you go to the Standard Process website they have a search feature to look for practitioners in your area who use their products, who generally do muscle testing.

My chiro has also been able to help me with my gallbladder (I believe he saved it), toxic liver, digestion in general, adrenals and some other things.