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Why does treating CCI/Spinal Stenosis, etc. increase NK cells?


Senior Member
Jeff W noted that his NK Cells went up after surgery.... Does anyone know or have a hypothesis re why this is? e.g., Does treating cervical problems increase the cerebrospinal fluid, which, in turn has "X" effect on the immune system / brain inflammation, etc.? I don't really know where to begin or what to search, so I would really appreciate any insight...

also, wondering and hoping that Jarred Younger addresses this at the symposium.. He seems like the most likely candidate to have a good hypothesis (or two)..



Senior Member
U.S., Earth
There’s actually a pretty simple explanation for what @jeff_w experienced:

1) Any sort of stress, including brainstem compression, will activate the sympathetic nervous system.

2) One of the natural effects of activation of the sympathetic nervous system is suppression of NK cell activity.

3) Since NK cell activity is the immune system’s main defense against reactivation of herpesviruses, you can see reactivation of herpesviruses if the sympathetic nervous system is activated long enough. This is why people get cold sores during long periods of stress.

4) When the stress is stopped, the sympathetic nervous system will de-activate, NK cell activity will increase, and herpesviruses will be re-suppressed.

Hope this helps.
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Senior Member
2) One of the natural effects of activation of the sympathetic nervous system is suppression of NK cell activity.

thanks! this part in particular is interesting... I've been trying to understand if there's any way to increase NK's, but I should be looking at ways to calm S.N.S.


Senior Member