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Which antivirals have most broad spectrum activity against NON-HERPES viruses?

I'm wondering if whatever causing my vestibular issues, which seems to be responding well to valacyclovir but not famvir somehow, is NOT herpesviridae but maybe some other virus.

The antivirals we know of target herpes viruses, but to some extent they can also attack other viruses.

Does anyone know between pencyclovir and acyclovir (ignoring the prodrugs) which is more effective against OTHER kinds of viruses?


Senior Member
Elderberries (extract or gummies) seems effective at fighting colds for me. I don't know how effective it is against other viral infections, but it's cheap and tastes good.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
I'm wondering if whatever causing my vestibular issues, which seems to be responding well to valacyclovir but not famvir somehow, is NOT herpesviridae but maybe some other virus.

The antivirals we know of target herpes viruses, but to some extent they can also attack other viruses.

Does anyone know between pencyclovir and acyclovir (ignoring the prodrugs) which is more effective against OTHER kinds of viruses?
These drugs are all pretty selective for viruses in the herpes family. I doubt they have any direct effect on other viruses.

Penciclovir and valacyclovir inhibit EBV and VZV at very similar concentrations, and the pharmacokinetics of famciclovir and valacyclovir and very similar also.

However, any particular random wild strain of a particular herpes virus could be more sensitive to one drug compared to the other.

Famciclovir has a lower rate of neurotoxicity than valacyclovir.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Does anyone know between pencyclovir and acyclovir (ignoring the prodrugs) which is more effective against OTHER kinds of viruses?

Just as acyclovir is the parent drug to valcyclovir, pencyclovir is the parent drug to famvir, basically a newer generation of the drug, absorbed better and need less frequent dosing.

vision blue

Senior Member
I'm in NJ. I think we are only allowed to self-test certain things. I was only able to test for HSV-1 IgG, which came up negative. But that's not necessarily helpful
Thats very helpful info. If in 4 weeks youre now hsv1 igg positive, that would seem to be your smoking gun

Tested for hsv2? Woukd be odd to get that up in vestibular system but nevet know

Kudos to whoever agreed to valtrex for vestibular (or vertigo?) ; many docs will not accept thie viral theory of herpes in inner ear and vestibular nerves.

Sone think valtrex even has sone activity against covid. Hard to tell what the virus is on the basis of what innprinciple valtrex can do that famvir cant. but a related question is what viruses are capable of living in nerves. There arent too many.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
A non specific or broad spectrum antiviral, I think of immunovir/isoprinosine. It increases natural interferon levels which then increase nk numbers and function. Cycloferon is another I've used. Most of them come under interferon induces and many sold in Russia etc and indicated for a variety of viral and bacterial infections.
Thats very helpful info. If in 4 weeks youre now hsv1 igg positive, that would seem to be your smoking gun

Tested for hsv2? Woukd be odd to get that up in vestibular system but nevet know

Kudos to whoever agreed to valtrex for vestibular (or vertigo?) ; many docs will not accept thie viral theory of herpes in inner ear and vestibular nerves.

Sone think valtrex even has sone activity against covid. Hard to tell what the virus is on the basis of what innprinciple valtrex can do that famvir cant. but a related question is what viruses are capable of living in nerves. There arent too many.
I went and bought myself emtesting for HSV 1 & 2 and HIV 1 & 2, and ANA which shows autoimmunity, since the useless doctors won't test for anything as though it's WW2 and they're rationing. All came up negative.

It eventually occurred to me I kind of remember the doctors telling me when I was a kid I had caught mono (EBV herpesvirus) when I was a kid once? It's gonna be one hell of a job trying to get records from 30 years ago
A non specific or broad spectrum antiviral, I think of immunovir/isoprinosine. It increases natural interferon levels which then increase nk numbers and function. Cycloferon is another I've used. Most of them come under interferon induces and many sold in Russia etc and indicated for a variety of viral and bacterial infections.
Thats very helpful info. If in 4 weeks youre now hsv1 igg positive, that would seem to be your smoking gun

Tested for hsv2? Woukd be odd to get that up in vestibular system but nevet know

Kudos to whoever agreed to valtrex for vestibular (or vertigo?) ; many docs will not accept thie viral theory of herpes in inner ear and vestibular nerves.

Sone think valtrex even has sone activity against covid. Hard to tell what the virus is on the basis of what innprinciple valtrex can do that famvir cant. but a related question is what viruses are capable of living in nerves. There arent too many.
Right. It's just herpesviridae that can long term remain dormant in nerves. That's it as far as science knows right now.

Which is why it baffles me most ENTs won't consider the viral theory of Menieres disease


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Right. It's just herpesviridae that can long term remain dormant in nerves. That's it as far as science knows right now.

Which is why it baffles me most ENTs won't consider the viral theory of Menieres disease

They only seem to be able to test for viruses in the blood, not other tissue or even treat these viruses in the nerves. I think current antivirals just treat these viruses when they leave certain tissue and enter the circulation, antivirals reduce the systemic viral load.