Where to get urgent MCAS help in UK?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I know I've posted a lot of "we need urgent help" posts for various issues, but I have another one!
We think a lot of my partner's recent worsening issues are down to their MCAS being flared up by amantadine, which they ended up just going cold turkey on earlier this week. The problem is the MCAS is already so bad that literally everything is flaring it up more, meaning every day all day, everything they take is making it worse and worse.
For the past two weeks they've only been having three nutrition replacement drinks a day (Fresubin brand, around 1200kcal), just to minimise eating and maximise nutrition but even those are making MCAS worse still. We've increased their sodium cromoglicate so they're on nearly 1000mg over 4 doses a day and it's still barely making a dent. They're already on ketotifen and montelukast too, and haven't tolerated any antihistamines tried. Today they tried an elemental drink instead and it still flared their MCAS. The only plan they can think of is to do a 48hr fast and quiet all supplements and vitamins, only keeping filtered water and the three meds above.
The NHS has been no help, I've tried so many times to get them help but nothing. Their long COVID specialist, Dr Claire Taylor, has essentially said she doesn't know what more to do. The endocrinologist I spoke to a few months ago recommended the Elemental drinks and a probiotic to try and treat their suspected sibo to maybe help MCAS, but both could just flare up MCAS and not fix it, and may not even fix the SIBO. I've been emailing all the MCAS specialists I can find all week but soonest appointment I could get is with one of the doctors from Dr Peers' clinic in a months time. A hospital admission won't help, they'll just try tube feeding which will still flare up their MCAS and solves nothing.
Is there anywhere we can get urgent medical advice for this?
We don't want to try random things without a doctor because everything has a near 100% chance of making their MCAS worse and we can't risk it getting any worse than it is.
Are there any better ideas than my partner starving themselves?


Senior Member
South east England
The problem is the MCAS is already so bad that literally everything is flaring it up more, meaning every day all day, everything they take is making it worse and worse.
Are you, and their Medical advisors absolutely certain they have MCAS?
We've increased their sodium cromoglicate so they're on nearly 1000mg over 4 doses a day and it's still barely making a dent.
Can take weeks to work.
They're already on ketotifen and montelukast too
If nothing is working I would suggest you consider that their symptoms are down to something other than MCAS.
Is there anywhere we can get urgent medical advice for this?
Call an ambulance if you think they are in danger.
The only plan they can think of is to do a 48hr fast and quiet all supplements and vitamins, only keeping filtered water and the three meds above.
Going without food for a couple of days probably wont be dangerous.


Senior Member
i have no advice, just a few random ideas:

i dont know if fresubin or something like that is good. the year before my first crash i took fresubine, one did destroy my guts, i had inflammation, had to stop it, got immediately better, sadly i already crashed.

if you want something easy to eat, get organic pasture raised EGGS, separate the eggyolk from the white, put it into a glass and drink those (the YOLKS you eat, the whites go to trash or dog).

you might also try organic potatoes, peal off the skin very thick. cook for 40-50 minutes on medium heat in a very big pot with water to spill out most pesticides.. than you can smash them or put in the blender to make something drinkable.

if you combine the egg yolk with the potatoes you get a good nutrition dense product. also put a bit of sodium into it because of the high potassium in the potatoes.

also the fresubin had already back in 2016 a plastic smell and taste.

the other thing, i cant stop saying,
watch for the plastics, the new plastics are everywhere.
and they silently slipped it into my glass yoghurt now also recently. i noticed because it smelled funny and i got a immediate gut response. for a product i am fine now for a long time
