I'm wondering what the next steps are that I should take- I have been seeing DR Enlander now but I am not one to sit still and just wait especially since I feel there are more avenues to cover.
So far I have received a;
lumbar puncture which came back normal
MRI and MRA were normal
SPECT scan showed a LOT of hypo perfusion and brain toxicity as well as signs of dementia (I'm 29)
ANA, C-reactive protein and all autoimmune tests are negative
ESR is 5. Pretty low I guess
NK function is 4
Lyme tests are negative
Positive titers for EBV, HHV-6, Parvovirus B19, M. Pneumoniae
Coxackie B tests came back negative
I have been on Valcyte and Hepapressin now for about 2 months as well as LANK for my NK cells. Also just a good cocktail of nutritional supplements.
I'm wondering what else I should be investigating though because I know there's more pieces to this puzzle. I'm curious about seeing DR Chia to get tested for enteroviruses and I know XMRV is a big player, but how do I get tested for that? Also, I have heard that igenex is the only reliable lab for Lyme disease so I'm curious if I should investigate that too. Also, I know IVIG can help with Parvo but how do I find out if I'm eligable for that?
I am in very, very bad shape and have been declining since the onset of this 8 months ago despite my perfect diet, resting, etc.. I know your best chances are to get a treatment underway as soon as possible so I don't want to wait. I like DR enlander but I don't necessarily feel like he is agressive enough. My brain is in bad, bad shape and I need something to stop this progression
Thanks for any help
So far I have received a;
lumbar puncture which came back normal
MRI and MRA were normal
SPECT scan showed a LOT of hypo perfusion and brain toxicity as well as signs of dementia (I'm 29)
ANA, C-reactive protein and all autoimmune tests are negative
ESR is 5. Pretty low I guess
NK function is 4
Lyme tests are negative
Positive titers for EBV, HHV-6, Parvovirus B19, M. Pneumoniae
Coxackie B tests came back negative
I have been on Valcyte and Hepapressin now for about 2 months as well as LANK for my NK cells. Also just a good cocktail of nutritional supplements.
I'm wondering what else I should be investigating though because I know there's more pieces to this puzzle. I'm curious about seeing DR Chia to get tested for enteroviruses and I know XMRV is a big player, but how do I get tested for that? Also, I have heard that igenex is the only reliable lab for Lyme disease so I'm curious if I should investigate that too. Also, I know IVIG can help with Parvo but how do I find out if I'm eligable for that?
I am in very, very bad shape and have been declining since the onset of this 8 months ago despite my perfect diet, resting, etc.. I know your best chances are to get a treatment underway as soon as possible so I don't want to wait. I like DR enlander but I don't necessarily feel like he is agressive enough. My brain is in bad, bad shape and I need something to stop this progression
Thanks for any help