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What to do with periodontal scaling and untreated cavities when you react to carbocaine without epinephrine?


Senior Member
I got a dental scaling on the upper left quadrant a couple weeks ago and I requested carbocaine without epinephrine and they said ok .After a few I injections I felt my left nose numb and felt like I was collapsing like I got shot on the side of the face

It was like.the anesthetic through some mechanism Stunned my CNS.It felt like a nuerotoxic agent
I also have multiple chemical sensitivity

I'm not sure if taking like 2mg of klonopin will prevent this but I have 3 quadrants remaining that need to be scaled .4 cavities fillings that need to be done and a upper right wisdom tooth extraction to get to one of the cavities.[not sure if there telling me the truth]

But the medical records showed they septocaine 4% with 1:100,000.Maybe they originally inted to use it but switched it to carbocsaine upon my request or they told me they would use carbocaine but used septocaine instead to test me.I don't know what happened

Anyways other than just letting my teeth go and avoiding dentists is there anything else that can be done?

Thank You


Senior Member
I feel your pain.

Navigating dental issues with an immune condition is hard. I very much want to tell my current dentist, one endodontist, and a couple of dental hygienists what I really think! So I do, kind but firm.

I had to get very firm with providers about what does and does not work, and I often am tempted to ask them if they missed their pathology classes relative to dentistry. I was getting endless lectures about dental hygiene where I really needed a smart dietitian with ME/CFS knowledge. (A unicorn.)

Ask a lot of questions. What did they use? Did the provider think it was injected properly? What are all the options? Do you need to come in for shorter appointments? Are there supplements that would help, in their opinion?

I stumbled by dumb luck on a big piece for me. With a decent glutathione supplement, my gums suddenly quit bleeding. I have a chance now at getting dental work caught up without a very young dental hygienist smugly explaining dental hygiene to me (62f).

It has taken a bit to get them to not use anything with epinephrine. Sometimes I had to endure a part dose so they could see first hand that it is a bad idea. I do want providers to have circumstances as close to their routine as possible. There is nothing worse than a grumpy dentist operating a drill inside my mouth! But, as I asked the endodontist - how best to teach him without my suffering? How about believe me in the first place?

I am in the middle of a long game with some bad teeth. Not over yet, with repeat root canals, possible surgery, etc. along with drug reactions. I have learned to question all I want: What is in that syringe? Why are we going there? What are the other options? What would YOU do if you had the reaction I just had?

We are slowly putting together a working relationship now I am believed when I say I react poorly.

With the level of training dentists have, they can be patient with questions, or should be, and best scenario, you are getting straight answers. Keep on it and learn all you can. If you have to have short appointments, do it. Whatever answers you can find. Whatever reading material you can find on anesthetics and autoimmune considerations, take it to them. The health of your mouth is worth the time.


Senior Member
I was offered several options for anesthetics, from laughing gas to smaller doses injected at intervals, to being completely out with full anesthesia. I opted for one of the lidocaine derivatives and close monitoring with an extra shot or two into the appointment.