What July told me regarding food....


Senior Member
Congratulations. I went hiking in California back in April and loved it. That was new for me. ☺

Eliminating my food intolerances changed my life but since I was an untreated celiac for 50 years and 15 1/2 years of that was post me/cfs onset, with ataxia + other neuro symptoms, I don't expect to heal much more than I have. There's just too much damage. Neuro symptoms are mostly under control tho.

A quick heads up on oxalates. Problems with these are common for leaky gutters. Imho the tryinglowoxalate board has the most reliable info. Imho, this is a problem you don't want to learn about AFTER you've been eating high oxalate foods.

Tc .. x


Senior Member
SOC~ It is nice to be able to do a little hiking again. I doubt I'll ever be able to do what I used to do, but to feel some health and strength returning from time to time is wonderful indeed.

xchocoholic~ Glad you could hike again too! My neuro symptoms are better also with the elimination of (a lot of) food.
Thanks for suggesting the oxalate issue. I don't *think* that is a problem. Checking out the lists, I am eating a LOT of high oxalate foods, which is rather disturbing, but I am doing OK on them. I *think* my problems lie with foods that are high in amines (but not tyramine). You seem to have issues with oxalates. Can you share your experience?



Senior Member
xchocoholic~ Glad you could hike again too! My neuro symptoms are better also with the elimination of (a lot of) food.

Thanks for suggesting the oxalate issue. I don't *think* that is a problem. Checking out the lists, I am eating a LOT of high oxalate foods, which is rather disturbing, but I am doing OK on them.

I *think* my problems lie with foods that are high in amines (but not tyramine).

You seem to have issues with oxalates. Can you share your experience?


Hi. I don't know what it is about hiking but it makes me feel alive.

The yahoo tryinglowoxalate board was started because the list owner, susan, noticed that some, most ?, autistic children after going on the gfcf diet and adding high oxalate foods into their diet were having similar symptoms to women with pelvic pain.

Rats. I can't think of the association name right now. Maybe vulvar pain foundation. If you google oxalate vulvodynia you'll find this.

The vulvar pain group recommends the low oxalate diet. Plus several other treatments. Low ox is key tho.

After eliminating gluten, etc in 2005 and adding a lot of high ox foods into my diet I got my first large kidney stone in 2008. The low ox diet is recommended for stoners. After going on the low ox diet for stones my mystery pelvic pain disappeared.

I can't eat high ox foods without reacting nowadays. But I've gone thru periods where I could. I've been low ox since 2008. Good bacteria that break down oxalates help too.

Tc .. x

Ps. You need to use the @ sign in front of the member name to flag members. Even then, pwcs can't always remember to respond. ;)