What is the best form Vitamin C that you can buy ?


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Bansaw - I think liposomal vitamin C is the best form, although it's pricey. This product has a good reputation: http://www.amazon.com/Lypo-Spheric-...ty-Professionally-Phospholipids/dp/B000CD9XGC

Dr. Mercola also makes one, but I tried his and don't think it was that good.

I have made my own much cheaper. I originally used an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner as directed on-line, but the end product was unpalatable (and I can get down almost anything, but not this). Also it took close to half an hour to make a batch, which was too much energy. Then I experimented with an immersion blender and it worked great, much quicker and without the burnt rubber taste of the jewelry cleaner kind. There was debate about whether the kind made with the immersion blender was liposomal and judging by the baking soda test results (see following thread), it is pretty effective: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/easy-to-make-liposomal-vitamin-c-for-viruses.38867/

sarah darwins

Senior Member
Cornwall, UK
Definitely liposomal, though it is expensive.

As Mary said, watch out for the Dr Mercola, though. I bought some because it was so much cheaper, but I have my doubts about whether it's really what it claims to be. It's in capsule form. I broke one open and, uck, the stickiest mess ever. And stains your fingers with all the colouring they put in there. I tried stirring the contents of the capsule into a glass of water, as I've done with real, more expensive liposomal, but it just remained as a disgusting sludge at the bottom of the glass. Avoid.