my "fatigue" normally, if not in flare up, I usually can pace myself and rest intermittently thruout day and be upright for good chunks of time. I often dont shower or bathe for 2 weeks at a time, have gone longer than that for not washing hair, but I wash up other ways and lucky that my hair not oily so most people would have no idea.
But today for example was terrible, I took shower/bath sat nite ( I do it in eves as well, worst idea would be to take a shower at beg. of day to get the heck that works for others is a marvel to me but I used to be like that back in the day) so yesterday I didnt feel too bad and today started out ok but as day went on I could not recover like i usually do after I lie down for awhile, it didnt matter how long I lie down today, I kept feeling like I have no oxygen, its painful, like depleted like a flat balloon and can't get reprieve no matter what I do. BEing really hot outside probly did not help altho I was mostly in a/c.
I will check out that video thank you. do they have any advice on how to recover or what to do about batheing?