Warts and immunity?


Senior Member
I wrote about this elsewhere too but not sure if many saw it. I read warts are from a virus and have to do with the immune system not being able to fight off the virus? Is there any connection between getting warts and CFS? Could IVIG treatment for immune deficiency also help prevent or fight off warts?


senior member
Concord, NH
If my memory serves me well, warts are from viruses. think genital warts (yuck!). Not familiar with IVIG treatment.



Senior Member
If my memory serves me well, warts are from viruses. think genital warts (yuck!). Not familiar with IVIG treatment.

Yes when I looked it up it says they are from viruses and are contagious which I never knew. IVIG is treatment with some blood product for those who are deficient in some immune factors in their blood (something like that). I read many carry the virus for warts but only some get actual warts, usually those with weaker immune systems. I wasn't sure if those with CFS are more susceptible because of that.


Senior Member
Australia, Melbourne
Yes when I looked it up it says they are from viruses and are contagious which I never knew. IVIG is treatment with some blood product for those who are deficient in some immune factors in their blood (something like that). I read many carry the virus for warts but only some get actual warts, usually those with weaker immune systems. I wasn't sure if those with CFS are more susceptible because of that.

not all warts are form viruses Ocean; I have seen warts listed as an EDS symptom only once so unveriffied symptom ried but I had a few on my hands removed over the years.

the non-contagious ones i have are called senile veruccas and they are tottaly flat - like a cell divided into 4 but asthey multiplly ift gives a wrinked effect on the skin fomr them all.
They are on my hands, forearms, calves - sunexposed areas and also on my upper thighs which rarely get sun exposure

looking into seeing if they are really EDS symptoms or not - makes sense that they would be.



Senior Member
Warts are only caused by various types of HPV (human papilloma virus) which target skin tissue. So warts reappearing might be connected with ME due to latent infections becoming active as a result of immune dysfunction.

EDS is a genetic connective tissue disorder, so there'd be little or no connection between warts and EDS.


Senior Member
I've got two small warts on my hand. I have been wondering the same thing about ME/CFS and the immune system - I suspect there is a link.


Senior Member
I have a few warts on one of my hands too. They appeared around the time my health started to decline and have been there ever since.


Senior Member
Interesting, my son had a BAD flare up... one wart started, then he got dozens more... had a lot of issues getting rid of them with the dermatologist; but once I got her to freeze off the initial one it finally cleared up very quickly.

AND it was about a year later he started to show signs of ME/CFS.


Senior Member
Oh, I didn't know this, ugh do you have your plate full. You have this also, right?


Yes, I've been ill about 11 years now. He's 12 and been sick at least 3 years. :-(

Thankfully, he is self-pacing (so I'm not fighting that battle) the bigger issue is that the school and his father don't get it. I've provided documentation that he has a chronic illness and as such needs accommodation; but we still get letters about missing too much school and/or that he needs to be more involved in his physical activities (even though he's at a healthy weight as it is). Because they are dismissive of my concerns and think we should just push him harder.

I want to fight back, but don't - because the next thing you know I'll get accused of making him ill since they can't figure out what's wrong with him. I kind of feel like my energy is best served by just supporting him at home and smoothing things over as best I can at school.

I think the gym teacher has finally figured it out a little when Alex broke his finger in his class, but then he didn't send him to the nurse and I found out later that Alex had suffered with a broken finger the rest of the day in school. It was like a 'oh, maybe Alex isn't just a whiny kid after all... maybe he suffers in silence a lot and when he speaks up maybe we ought to listen'. He's the only one so far that gets it... but we'll fight the battle one fight at a time.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I also have wondered about this link, and mentioned it to Dr K. at my initial appointment that I have had warts for 40 years. I have wondered if there was a link also, but he really didn't say anything either way. The only other person I have ever known that had issues with warts is now mid to late teens and recently diagnosed schizophrenic. I need to talk to his parents about this if there truly is a link, since schizophrenia has been linked to that cat virus.


I had some on my left foot and hand for several years. They cleared up on their own suddenly after several years, strangely around the time my condition worsened. A couple more came back in different spots on the same foot for the last couple of years. I am just waiting them out since the others disappeared without a trace.

To me getting them burned or frozen off is sort of like trying to burn off a flu or something, the virus is still in there, and if my system isn't fighting it off then an external remedy isn't going to help the underlying problem. I feel like I have to defend to people why I am not getting them dealt with somehow. Also, ouch?


wiggle jiggle
i can only subscribe to all fatique, pain, food intolerance ... symptoms.
and i have this from very early on.

the skin is a major player in all this.
its the chicken/egg question to me.

moles, warts, freckles, all skin changes (bumpy skin, rough skin) are 100% related to my condition (which, whatever it is, its not caused by one pathogen).

the various skin changes, which might be brief, long-term, recurrent, new, have their seats in this rollercoaster.

..as a child, i had those deep warts growing inside on the foot soles. quite painful.
the had to be cut away and away and away and away, until it wasnt possible anymore. then they were are burned away, i think.
at some point, it was gone and never came back.
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