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VSL #3 trial

Montreal, Canada
Hi people,

So today i have received my VSL #3 probiotics package for one month. I am planning on taking them along with two other probiotic supplements that I have started taking one month ago, being Bio-K and another pharmacy brand. I am also drinking Kefir and Kombucha on a daily basis. I am planning on « blasting » my gut with good bacteria... I suspect my ME to have started right after being really sick in Bali. I was literally sick for a non stop two months period afterwards. I will let you know how it goes.
Have a nice rest of day.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I am planning on « blasting » my gut with good bacteria...
The gut is tricky to work with. I recently “overdid” gut supplementation with probiotics and prebiotics and it took me a few weeks to realize that my downturn in function corresponded with my “extra work” on the gut. The lesson I learned was that when I make a change to monitor carefully how I am feeling.


Senior Member
East Sussex
I really rate VSL3 as a probiotic, out of about 20 different ones I have tried. It is about 1 of 5 where after a week or so, I start to realise that my symptoms have vastly improved and I feel a tiny bit more 'normal'. No miracles but hopefully it helps to colonise the gut with probiotics over time.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
The gut ie colon is like a housing estate where people can only move in when someone vacates a property ie spot on the colon wall. A new born baby is like a newly built housing estate with no residents - all properties are empty except for any that colonized from when the baby swallowed vaginal mucus when delivered. That is how the mothers health and sexual partners influence a babies health.

Bacteria implant and build biofilms to protect them from passing microbes. It is extremely difficult to alter the resident microbes.

What you will do is alter the microbes moving through the colon. Those can make a difference but they are highly unlikely to become resident.


Senior Member
I use VSL #3 and have for a number of years. I have had to take a lot of antibiotics and VSL #3 and I used to use Prescript Assist before they changed the formula helped me while taking the antibiotics to avoid getting a yeast infection from prolonged abx. And I take them daily regardless. I think it is a very high quality probiotic although we all seem to react differently to supplements/meds.

I will say that before Prescript Assist changed it's formula, it magically cured my little one's eczema. He'd been taking many other high quality probiotics, even gone gluten free (which helped) but had some stubborn eczema on the back of his hands. A couple day son Prescript Assist and it was gone. Since then, when we would switch he got a flare and then back to PA and it went away. He is much older now and is doing okay with VSL #3 but he did have a stubborn little flare when we first went without the PA.

I wish you luck. I need to eventually get the good stuff growing but I know that as PP mentioned they are transitory at this point. I'd have to do major work to break down bio films and I don't know what else, then prebiotics (which I am rethinking as I am afraid they will feed my bad bacteria - @Sushi did you mention this or am I thinking of someone else?). It is quite the project.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
then prebiotics (which I am rethinking as I am afraid they will feed my bad bacteria - @Sushi did you mention this or am I thinking of someone else?). It is quite the project.
I wasn't the one who mentioned it but that is the only reason I can think of that prebiotics would have exacerbated my ME/CFS symptoms so much. I also used to take VSL-3 but my doc switched me to BioKult--which seems fine.


Senior Member
I wasn't the one who mentioned it but that is the only reason I can think of that prebiotics would have exacerbated my ME/CFS symptoms so much. I also used to take VSL-3 but my doc switched me to BioKult--which seems fine.

Is BioKult a little tiny bottle of water yogurt tasting stuff? Refrigerated.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Is BioKult a little tiny bottle of water yogurt tasting stuff? Refrigerated.
No, it is a capsule:


Senior Member
The gut ie colon is like a housing estate where people can only move in when someone vacates a property ie spot on the colon wall. A new born baby is like a newly built housing estate with no residents - all properties are empty except for any that colonized from when the baby swallowed vaginal mucus when delivered. That is how the mothers health and sexual partners influence a babies health.

Bacteria implant and build biofilms to protect them from passing microbes. It is extremely difficult to alter the resident microbes.

What you will do is alter the microbes moving through the colon. Those can make a difference but they are highly unlikely to become resident.
Hi there. As I have said elsewhere on here I did have FMT back in 2015 at the Taymount clinic in the UK. It didn't work for me. From what I have read though this technique is 95% successful for C.difficile. Just wondered what to make of this. Apparently too a blood relative is the best donor and a non frozen implant. My implant was neither of these.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hi there. As I have said elsewhere on here I did have FMT back in 2015 at the Taymount clinic in the UK. It didn't work for me. From what I have read though this technique is 95% successful for C.difficile. Just wondered what to make of this. Apparently too a blood relative is the best donor and a non frozen implant. My implant was neither of these.
Clostridium difficile is very different from that which causes CFS.

Personally I would not eat shit because it is not effective. It is a gamble at best. I prefer to treat the cause in a far more direct method involving Quorum Sensing Inhibitors to help eliminate the biofilm with enzymes, Efflux Pump Inhibitors to make antimicrobials more effective and a comprehensive range of natural antimicrobials to address as many micro-organisms as I can.

In the UK, people have been warned about doing DIY FMT because of the dangers.


Senior Member
Well your reply is way above my scientific knowledge. I guess the proof of the pudding as they say is in the eating. How do you rate your health at the minute may I ask.
Clostridium difficile is very different from that which causes CFS.

Personally I would not eat shit because it is not effective. It is a gamble at best. I prefer to treat the cause in a far more direct method involving Quorum Sensing Inhibitors to help eliminate the biofilm with enzymes, Efflux Pump Inhibitors to make antimicrobials more effective and a comprehensive range of natural antimicrobials to address as many micro-organisms as I can.

In the UK, people have been warned about doing DIY FMT because of the dangers.

You do not really give any reason why FMT is not a reasonable thing to do, outside not wanting to "eat shit". It seems like a good way to get the bacteria from a healthy person which one way be lacking.

I have seen you post multiple times about your thoughts about quorum sensing inhibitor substances etc, so what are the things that you can use to accomplish your way?