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vitamin d


Que sera sera
After my August crash (bad-hospitalized) I realized vitamin D Topically was making the POTS much worse....so I cut dose still not good, I have super low D and now I can't tolerate D drops or sunlamp and am trying to remain calm about this. I can eat 12 foods so working on that being a solution...

any tips about vitamin d, I really notice it when not on it :( yest having bad bad reactions after last crash...sigh...


Senior Member
I am having negative reactions when my Vitamin D goes above 25 ng/ml. That's still low inside the norm, but I can't go any higher.

Mushrooms produce substantial amounts of vitamin D when exposed to UV light (sun or UV lamp, normal light won't do it). That may be another source.

If fatty fish is among the 12 foods, that might also be a solution. Eskimos live in areas where the body produces zero vitamin D naturally during the entire year. They are healthy because they get it from fish. Especially Salmon is rich in vitamin D


Que sera sera
yep...same here and the weird part s I notice many good things when I have vitamin d in me yet I can't seem to handle it yet...intolerant to mushrooms and fish right now but working on introducing anchovies in next month... I guess I should not worry lots, it just is what it is for now. really frustrating as we need vitamin d.


Senior Member
If you can tolerate supplementation, I would experiment with co-factors of vitamin D metabolism first. Always by starting with lowest possible doses, and if that goes well, very gradually increasing over weeks, months and years.

https://vitamindwiki.com/Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
  • Magnesium
  • Omega-3
  • Vitamin K2
  • lowering Calcium
  • Boron
  • Zinc

If you can't take anything of these in supplemental form, try to increase them by choosing foods (tolerated) which provide them the most. For which a free program like https://cronometer.com/ is very helpful.
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Senior Member
Are you just intolerant to vitamin D or also to calcium supplements or high-calcium foods (I'm intolerant to high intakes of calcium, too).

If you can tolerate calcium, you can counteract some negative consequences of low vitamin D by higher calcium intake. Did you check parathyroid hormone? If it is elevated, your bones might suffer in the longer Term.

You could also try to cut sodium intake. A high sodium intake leads to loss of calcium through the kidneys.

Did you try Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) as a supplement, too, or just Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Maybe you can tolerate some D2...


Senior Member
canned cod liver has 6,000 IU D per 100g. Google buy canned cod liver. And I bought lanolin on ebay, and put it in the sun for a few hours each hot day to increase the D content into the potentially millions of IUs per gram then eat a gram a day. There are 100s of forms of d in food so it is better than cholecalicferol alone.


Senior Member
It might not be in the millions maybe only 100s of thousands or 10s of thousands. But still could be millions... tuna liver has up to 1 mil IU per 100g, and people through out history would of eaten that. When they auction off tuna at the tokyo fish market each morning the organs have been removed so someone is still eating them in modern times. It might be safe... i will eat 1 gram or so a day of irradiated lanolin for 1-2 months then re test blood vitamin D to see what it has done to it. I suppose too much shows up as high calcium and phosphate on blood tests. Will re test them too.


Senior Member
hmmm... might re do vitamin d blood tests within 2 weeks to see how much of an effect the lanolin is actually having. will post results when I do


Northern USA
Northern USA
The only Vit d supplement I found I could tolerate, after trying many brands and types,

is a liquid dropper type (d3), I add to foods. The brand I get now, is designsforhealth
It's called Emulsi-D3 Synergy

It is also the only one which succeeded in raising my extreme low level.

I could also start with tiny doses and increase very gradually,
because one easily controls how much drops out of the dropper lid on the small jar.
It's expensive but lasts a long time, and does the job, for me.