Vitamin D 1,25 is high -- doc recommends increase D3

This is my first post, but I've been lurking for a while and learned a great deal. I am 51 yo female and am seeing a well respected autism doc. Many labs seem to point to cfs and/or lymes.

I take 1200 IU D/day. Recent labs show D3 = 42 and D 1,25 = 86.

My whole blood Ca = 56.9 (48 - 61 lab range) tested by ELN. I do not supplement with Ca, but take 400mg Mg glycinate/day.

My doc strongly recommends boosting D3 to 4,000 IU. I'm concerned that this will push D 1,25 higher and that would be dangerous.

Please help me sort out this confusing situation. Thank you so much.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
This is my first post, but I've been lurking for a while and learned a great deal. I am 51 yo female and am seeing a well respected autism doc. Many labs seem to point to cfs and/or lymes.

I take 1200 IU D/day. Recent labs show D3 = 42 and D 1,25 = 86.

My whole blood Ca = 56.9 (48 - 61 lab range) tested by ELN. I do not supplement with Ca, but take 400mg Mg glycinate/day.

My doc strongly recommends boosting D3 to 4,000 IU. I'm concerned that this will push D 1,25 higher and that would be dangerous.

Please help me sort out this confusing situation. Thank you so much.

Hi and welcome!

Yes, this is tricky. According to the range I have on my Vit D 1,25 you are already quite a bit out of range, and you calcium is on the high end too. As you probably know, a rise in Vit D 1,25 often coincides with a rise in calcium--which can be dangerous.

While you Vit D 25 is perhaps lower than optimal (that is a subject for debate!), it is in range. While supplementing D3 doesn't always bring a rise in Vit D 1,25, it can.

Maybe if you decide to raise your D3 you should ask for very regular labs on Vit D 1,25 and calcium?

Best wishes,
Thanks Sushi. I appreciate your input - esp as I have learned a lot from your posting on the forum.

I wonder if I might ask you another question. My nagalase is 2.4 and doc prescribed 'homeopathic' GcMAF injections. Once/week. Starting at 0.02 ml and working up slowly to 0.15 or 0.20. I actually have the GcMAF in my fridge but haven't started it.

I am concerned that my doc didn't discuss inflammtion with me before Rx GcMAF. Is the dose he prescribed 'homeopthic' in the sense that it is much lower than what you or others might be on? Could this be the reason that he seemed to prescribe it rather cavalierly? Or is he not concerned about inflammation based on my labs (see below)?Should I be cautious or move ahead with GcMAF?

For related markers, I have the following (among many!):
Sed rate = 2
C4a 918 (0 - 650)
C3a 110 (54 - 202)
CRP = 0.71
Nitrotyrosine = 18 (1.1 - 6.8)
high oxidative stress
very low aminos (24 hr urine)
working on hormones
very low adrenals (7.5 mg cortef)

I'm pretty new to all of this and am only on basic hormonal and straightforward vitamin & mineral supps at the moment. Inc. mfolate and Perque hydrocobalamine, C's and B's and a super clean diet.

Thanks for any additional insight.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

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The dose in mls doesn't really tell us much as dosing is by nanograms. So you need to know the dilution. I have a pretty good idea of what dilution the main sources use. All dosing of GcMAF is "sort of" homeopathic as nanograms are tiny, tiny doses.



Senior Member
The marshall protocol explains the difference in the 2 forms of vitamin D and why one is usually high in chronic diseases and the other is chronically low. More vitamin D is not the solution by any means. I would stop all vitamin D/calcium intake and look into the marshall protocol (benicar).